The Space Of Stillness

The reason people don’t meditate or stop meditating is often because their thoughts are on everything but the present moment. Practicing meditation and mindfulness means letting go of the external world for a little while. It means seeking inward, and finding that space of stillness where all is well, and everything is working together for my own good. Danny G. 

Don’t Shrink Back

Don’t seek to rid yourself of all your problems, for everyone has their own challenges and adversities. Understand their existence, don’t shrink back, and allow them to strengthen you, enlighten you, and create your breakthrough and success. Danny G. 

Your Inspiration Calling

When the inspiration calls you to move, step forth boldly with a spring in your step. Know that the universal force is inside you, and in every particle in the universe. Don’t doubt, and embrace your journey to the mountain top. Danny G. 

Self Reliance

Self reliance is depending on you, the deliberate creator you are. When you rely solely on others, you will never gain full control. The only control you have is from yourself, your thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, seek you first, depend on your own unique abilities, and allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. Danny G. 

Embrace It

That challenge or adversity was only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny and triumph. Don’t resist it, embrace it, feel it, and allow the inspiration to guide you, lead you, and cause you to thrive. Danny G. 

Empower Yourself

Empower yourself by being pro peace. Empower yourself by being pro abundance. Empower yourself by being pro freedom. Live from this space of inspiration and wisdom. Whatever you are fighting against, you are perpetuating its very existence. Therefore, seek favor, blessings and love, and allow them to flourish in their ideal timing and sequence. Danny G. 

God is Unity

God is not a God of separation. When you act out of separation, or superiority, you are not acting from the divine. God is unity, compassion and love. When you understand this, your humility shines through, and you do good works inspired by the divinity that you are. Danny G. 

It’s All Perception

Suffering is a mind not at ease, and a body not at ease. The mind not at ease is optional, and whatever the mind says, the body eventually follows. Reaction defines everything including your emotional state and the life that unfolds. React out of peace, harmony and love. Seek wisdom, above your preconceived notions and misconceptions. In time, with persistence and faith, you’ll have the life of your every desire. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Emotions

Your reactions define your personality, strengths and weaknesses. If your reaction to challenges turn you pessimistic, bitter or fearful, that’s because you haven’t mastered your emotions. If your reaction is of love, compassion and faith, you learned to control your emotions. Learn to be at peace with your emotions without condemning them, but embracing them and letting them lead to personal transformation. Let go, embrace and be the Phoenix you are created to be. Danny G. 

Greatest Achievement

Don’t allow the naysayers to steer you off course. Don’t allow the pessimists to turn you bitter. Don’t allow fear to paralyze you. Every great teacher and leader didn’t allow others to turn them into somebody they’re not. They persisted with their vision and faith, and they turned their naysayers into their greatest achievement and success. Danny G.