Quote for Today

It’s ok to not understand at times, and it’s ok to feel weak at times. The only failure is remaining in this frame of mind, and allowing it to control you. Danny G. 

Refocusing Your Energy

Instead of spending time worrying about the future, fearing it, or dreading it, spend time refocusing your life and vision. Be productive with your time and energy. When you focus all your energy on your concerns, less energy is left to be proactive. Be conscientious with your time, and seek wisdom beyond the physical. Seek the source within you. Seek the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

The Grandest Version Of You

Don’t seek approval, for if you do, you will always seek to be someone else than who you truly are. Seek authenticity and uniqueness. Seek the grandest version of you, know you are worthy, and you’ll discover approval comes first from within, not from an outside source. Danny G. 

True Worthiness

Teaching is for your own journey and evolution, not only for others. Worthiness is not leaving yourself out of the equation, in an attempt to merely save others. True worthiness is leading by the clarity of your example, and loving yourself enough to care for your journey and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Redefining Life

You are not destined to fail. You are not destined to a fate of doom. Neither are you destined to live in scarcity. You’re in this physical plane to redefine you, and your newfound life. Life is constantly changing and so are you, so just embrace it, and be the best version of you, and all will fall into place in its divine timing and sequence. Danny G.  

A Healthy Respect

Creating life anew means letting go of the old baggage of yesterday. It means forgetting about the ones who took you for granted, while nevertheless forgiving them. It means letting go of everything that keeps you holding onto the past. You don’t need any explanation, at times it’s simply a push in the right direction, and a healthy respect for yourself. Danny G. 

Follow Your Passion

Follow your passion, what you love to do, and what brings you the greatest joy. That passion stems from the God or Goddess within you. Denying it, is denying who you truly are, and what you came forth to be. Danny G. 

Allowing the Divine

Whatever you’ve been procrastinating over and over again, know the God or Goddess within you isn’t afraid of the long trek to the mountain top. No matter how great the challenge, or the opposition, he holds steadfastly to his vision and dream. He doesn’t waver as he allows the divine to reveal the journey. Danny G. 

At Peace With Solitude

Solitude refreshes the mind, and rejuvenates the soul. The one who is at peace with himself isn’t afraid of solitude, or of quieting the mind. He knows his soul needs it at times, and he knows the right relationships come at the ideal timing. He doesn’t force them into being, as he allows them to flourish in its divine timing. Danny G.  

Molding the Clay

Don’t allow the chaos or distress to weigh you down into a pit so deep, you cannot find a means to get out. See the chaos and distress, show no intimidation, and allow it to flourish into a beautiful work of art, as you mold the clay, and make it your own. Danny G.