Competition creates separation, for whenever you compete, you’re usually trying to appear greater than your opponent. Love creates union while allowing everyone to their merited success, and breakthrough. The best competitor, is trying to be the best version of himself. Danny G.
The Internal and External Shell
There’s two shells within you, the internal shell and the external shell. Both constantly affect one another, as the internal shell rejects the ego and the external shell holds on to it. The internal shell is secure and stable and it knows its power. The external shell tries to become someone else, gets confused, or is not at peace with itself. The internal shell has wisdom, inspiration, insight, peace and love, while the external shell is vulnerable to its environment, or the outside world, and often becomes fearful and pessimistic. The internal shell is optimistic and full of faith, knowing all is well, and everything is working together for good. The external shell is weak without its source and inner self. One can be so wrapped up in the external shell, that he forgets who he is and his ego overtakes him. But one can be so wrapped up in the internal shell, that the storm doesn’t shake him, and the mountain top doesn’t overwhelm him. He is sturdy and strong to withstand the battle, and claim his triumph. Danny G.
The Mind and the Soul
Your mind says it cannot be done, but your soul says all things are possible. Your mind dwells in the land of lack and fear, but your soul dwells in faith and possibilities. Your mind dwells on its infirmities and doubts, but your soul says you are worthy and strong. Which voice will you listen to? Allow your mind to be in alignment with your soul, and when they unite, you’ll thrive as the God or Goddess you are. Danny G.
Refocusing the Void
Use this void to create anew. Use this void to create your inspiration. Use this void to refocus your energy and conquer. The void exists only for your contemplation, and imagination. When used productively, anything is possible, and anything is within your reach. Danny G.
The Benefits Of Stillness
Spending time in isolation gives us much more free time to reflect, slow down, and return to ourselves and our loved ones. At times when production and wealth becomes the primary focus, the universe has a way of bringing us back to what matters most. What matters most is our relationship with ourselves, God, and our loved ones.
We get lost in achieving more, accumulation, and at times this can be destructive to our behavior and our relationships with our loved ones. We don’t spend as much time unwinding, we’re constantly living under stress, and our work affects our family life.
What happens when the world shuts down? We’re forced to spend time with ourselves, we begin to contemplate, and reflect. We have so much free time in our hands to fulfill our purpose.
Some people will use this time unwisely and make poor choices, and they’ll end up worse than before. Some people will let fear consume them. Others will be bored and not know what to do with themselves, so they’ll end up partying, abusing drugs and alcohol. There will be those people who use this time constructively, and stretch their boundaries. They’ll use this time to grow as a person, to grow spiritually, and let go of negative habits or addictions.
What else happens when the word shuts down? We learn to be by ourselves, and this can be very difficult and daunting to some people. It’s difficult for them because they never learned to be by themselves. Perhaps because when they are alone, memories come back to haunt them. Perhaps when they are alone, fear of the future comes back that scares them, or they know they don’t take anything seriously, and they’re just bumbling through life with no expectations.
Maybe life is calling them to change. My question to you is what change do you want to have, and what impact do you want to make? Find balance even when this is all over. Find balance by cutting distractions, and not letting others steer you off course.
There’s a fine line between listening to advice and listening to your inner guidance. Both are positive, but find what resonates with you.
Don’t Assume
We categorize based on first impressions and assumptions made from appearance. Nobody knows what’s happening internally except the individual himself. We form all types of conclusions based on what we see, and what we perceive. How do we know what’s happening inside the mind and soul? Sometimes the strongest ones are the ones we overlook, and sometimes the most confident ones are the ones trying to hide something. Nobody is wrong, and everyone has their own barriers and journey. The only wrong approach is assuming we know. Danny G.
Fear Not In A Fearful World
How to not let the fear of others become your own
I want to first emphasize that I’m not against the government and health officials and the health and safety practices to avoid the spread of disease. However, looking around me I see fear everywhere and I wanted to share my insights and philosophies on what brings me peace of mind and security during these difficult times. How do we not become fearful in a fearful world and most importantly when it affects the entire planet and our loved ones?
I believe in following health and safety regulations and avoiding contamination by all means. The problem is our anxiety is skyrocketing from the chaos and diseases on this planet. I do believe there must be a strong focus on eliminating the spread, however, there’s a fine line between focusing on the solution or obsessing over the disease.
We’ve heard the many spiritual masters of our time say what you focus on, you perpetuate, so the more people focus on this matter with fear and dread rather than the solution, they’re perpetuating the problem.
It sounds easier said than done and for most it’s very difficult to do so, however practice and repetition is key. If someone can practice their skills and abilities enough to be a professional ball player or professional stock broker, one can practice not being fearful in a fearful or chaotic world.
If someone is mentally and spiritually strong, no matter what the adversity is, he should have the will and strength to overcome it. If someone is constantly stressed and he or she gets sick, is there much energy left to fight off the disease?
Take someone who is optimistic, and he has faith that he will overcome, the journey may not be easy but at least he’s investing his energy towards wellness. Whatever you focus on you perpetuate, so perpetuate the right things.
We only have so much energy during the day and if we focus all our energy on complaining, or our fears, then a little flu can appear much more painful than it really is. I don’t want to make light of the situation, I just want to empathize having inner peace in a fearful world is possible. Having peace despite the chaos is possible, and when you do have peace, you’re a much stronger influence to help others remain well or recover.
So my question to you is, what influence do you want to be, and what thoughts do you want to entertain?
The Shield
I create my own shield by having unwavering faith, and courage. I create my own shield by not doubting or giving in to fear. I create my own shield by knowing the source within me, is always guiding me, protecting me, and conspiring on my behalf. Danny G.
Having Courage and Faith
What is fear but a long perpetuating set of beliefs and expectations? What is fear but a sensation in your body? What is fear other than acting on doubt and uncertainty? Next time fear comes knocking at your door, have the courage and faith to declare your strength and resilience. Have the faith to stand as the palm tree that bends but never falls. It’s sturdy enough to withstand the strong winds and thrive. Danny G.
The Gift Of Wisdom
Wisdom quiets the mind, reflects and contemplates. Wisdom doesn’t act on anger and it doesn’t give in to opposition. Wisdom knows everything will be provided at the ideal time to thrive, and it knows the universe conspires on its behalf for its unique purpose. Danny G.