Seeking Inward Before Anything Else

Healing means focusing primarily on healthy thoughts and emotions

I believe conventional medicine is important and beneficial, however, the problem lies when we put all our faith on an outside system, we lose our power. We have no control over external matters, and when we rely solely on the system, we neglect the most important healing practice, which is seeking inward. 

Seeking inward means focusing on our inner guidance and wisdom. It’s seeking our spiritual journey above everything else, for when we are spiritually strong, we can tackle whatever comes our way. 

Spiritual strength means we know we have the insight, inspiration, and wisdom we need to overcome. It’s knowing the universal force that resides inside all of us created the universe, and is the universe, so there’s no task too difficult to overcome with this source. 

It’s also knowing whatever strength we need is through declaring it into being, and knowing our power. Acknowledging we are spiritual beings is the first part, the second part is knowing how to use our power to our advantage. 

It’s being aware of our source and knowing how to apply its laws. Think about what you want, speak about it, and then when the inspiration calls you, take the step. Create your own inspiration for what you desire. Create your own strength when you’re lacking. Focus on it so much that it becomes your reality and it resonates with the core of your being. Declare what’s rightfully yours. You can talk your way into a sour mood or anxiety, so you can talk your way into feeling strong, healthy, and vibrant. 

When the step presents itself as a baby step or a leap, if you feel peace about it, move forward. I believe God speaks to us through a feeling of ease or uneasiness. If you feel that uneasiness in your gut that will not leave, it usually means it’s not the ideal path or you’re simply not ready. 

Find that feeling of peace, that is essentially who we are through the divine source we are, then move forward knowing the ultimate provider is always within you, guiding you, and conspiring on your behalf.

Love and Joy in Your Heart

Living life truly fulfilled is knowing you’re being your best where you are, with what you have. You’re a unique soul bound to discover your authenticity and uniqueness. No path is wrong, as long as you pursue it whole heartedly with love and joy in your heart. Danny G. 

Experience As the Greatest Teacher

Experience combined with wisdom and an open mind is the greatest teacher, for that epiphany couldn’t have happened without the experience that brought you there. You had to have a spiritual awakening to know who you truly are, your depth and your reason for being. You had to have an epiphany to know your origin and the source that created you and is in you. The experience is never an accident, and if you listen to the experience and what it taught you, you would realize everything is orchestrated in divine order and timing. 

Get beyond the experience by seeking inward to know its purpose for being. For when you seek within and back away, you can see the experience with a new perspective. New perspectives create a new reality. 

Experience can either pull us back or move us forward. It all depends on our reaction to the experience, and if we choose to seek inward. Seeking inward means seeing the experience as the God or Goddess within you would see it. It’s realizing our higher self is always seeking growth, and when we embrace that, growth is inevitable. 

There is a God or Goddess inside you at all time wanting you to seek it, for it knows the ideal pathway for your life. This God or Goddess knows how to react to new experiences and challenges. It knows how to overcome and conquer, and it knows how to reach the mountain top. This God or Goddess can do anything you want, you just have to be in alignment with it. 

Being in alignment with it means you think like it, you speak like it, and you follow its inspired action steps. The only control you have is through thought, word, and action, and when you allow the divine to guide your every thought, word, and action, anything is possible. 

You probably heard the scripture “with God, all things are possible.” Realize this God lives inside you at all times providing you with the insight, inspiration, and wisdom you need for your unique journey, and experience. 

Recognize your depth, your strength, your wisdom through the God or Goddess you are, and don’t ever shrink back. Realize nothing is too difficult for the GREAT I AM!

The State Of Receivership

Allowing and receiving is being in a state of receivership. It’s knowing the desire is already yours, as you hold the vision in your mind and don’t waver. The only control we’ll ever have is through thought, word, and action. When these 3 things are in alignment with your desire, you are a match to whatever it is you’re attracting. 

Manifestation means you feel the emotions you will feel, when you hold it in the palm of your hands. It means you know if one person did it, so can you, or you can be the first one to achieve what was once deemed impossible. The ones who achieve the impossible say I don’t need proof, I can be the living example of breaking the limitations and thriving. I can serve as a testimony for anyone who needs that boost of faith and confirmation. 

We all come from the same spirit that creates worlds, so don’t underestimate yourself and what you’re capable of doing from the divine. We are all created from the divine, and there is a God or Goddess within everyone. When we realize this, we unleash our inner gifts for ourselves and the world.

Recognizing the God or Goddess within us is saying we have the spirit to conquer anything, to achieve anything, and to be anything we desire. Recognizing this spirit is the ultimate state of receivership. It’s knowing when you do the mental work, you’re in the process of creation. It’s knowing when you feel the emotions of joy, gratitude, and love, you’re manifesting the essence of your thoughts and emotions. It’s knowing when you’re imagining, you’re in the process of creation and transformation. 

You can be in the process of a negative creation or positive creation, so invest time being productive with your thoughts, your inner dialogue, and the words you speak. Follow the inspiration, and take the action steps. 

The pen is in your hands, know your power, and know with unwavering faith, you can reshape your destiny. Remember, the source remains with your every thought, word and action, so do your part and allow the universe to unleash its magic.  

Return to Faith

When we’re children we believe in what seems impossible. We believe we are capable and worthy of achieving our dreams. Over time, we see unfulfilled dreams, naysayers and havoc in the world. We then convince ourselves that we are powerless and that the outside world has a hold on us. If we can go back to that childhood feeling and faith, we’d realize we lost our way on our physical trail. We began to see life through others perspective and their can’t dos. Return to that childhood spirit, renew your youth, and know nothing has changed since then, only your disbelief. Return to faith, and boldly declare I CAN DO IT! Danny G. 

Your Potential and Strength

Your world mirrors back your essential needs and progress. If you keep on hearing the same thing again and again, it’s usually the universe trying to open your mind and soul. Be open minded, and see those as reminders of love convincing you of your potential and strength. Danny G.

Overcoming Yourself

Overcome yourself by letting go of your ego and pride. Overcome yourself by breaking the old pattern of pessimism and bitterness. Overcome yourself by realizing your freedom, and that you’re destined to be whoever you choose to be. Know in your heart, all things are possible, and the life you desire is about overcoming your old personality, and embracing the new. Danny G. 

Persisted With Faith

Don’t be overly critical of yourself since we’re all here for a learning experience, or a remembering experience. Every great master falls from time to time, and every great master had his hardships to deal with. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted with faith knowing nothing is impossible with God. Danny G. 

Born A Phoenix

When you feel that void within the depth of your being, fill it with God’s unconditional love. Fill it with his wisdom, compassion and strength. In time that void will dissipate, as you learn to let go and embrace the divine being you are. You were born a phoenix and you always will be. Danny G. 

Truly Fulfilled

Impatience is not being at peace in the present moment. For if you had inner peace and joy, you would already be truly fulfilled. When you’re impatient, uneasiness sets in as you grapple with peace. If you would know there’s an ideal timing for everything, you would stop trying to force it into being. You would smile in appreciation knowing every season has a reason for being, and each season has something to learn, and something to embrace. Danny G.