The Spiritual Evolution

You’re a spiritual being on a spiritual journey

You have two beings within you at all times. One being is your inner being, or you can call it a soul, or spirit. The other being is the physical body that exists within the time space reality. Both are constantly affected by one another. 

Whenever you spend more time inward, you tap in to the infinite intelligence or the God or Goddess inside you. You tap into this infinite intelligence by meditating, practicing mindfulness, or any type of spiritual practice that allows you to connect to the divine. 

Anything that quiets the mind is beneficial to your mind and body, because when you quiet your mind, you let go of distractions that prevent you from having clarity of thought. When you have clarity of thought, you can listen to your inner guidance and wisdom. 

Stress is created by an overactive mind, in which you’re obsessing over a number of stressors. You’re either stressing about the past or in most cases the future. When you stop fighting the thought, you’re in the present moment and you’re able to access your higher consciousness. When you access your higher consciousness, you feel true joy, gratitude and love, because accessing your higher consciousness means connecting to the divine. The divine is joy, gratitude, love and all the good in the world. When you operate out of the divine, you’re receptive to the insights from your soul, and the ego vanishes. 

What does ego mean? The origin of the acronym means “edging God out.” When you act from your soul, being right is irrelevant because all you want to seek is love. When you act from your soul, fear vanishes because you have faith that can move worlds. When you act from your soul you’re no longer desperate for your desires, because you feel as though they already manifested or you feel such appreciation that the desire is irrelevant. 

That’s where true freedom lies, with faith and love that cannot be shaken. This is the divinity that you are, a shell that has the most powerful energy inside you, which is God. 

Release the Shackles

Release the shackles beneath your feet, and embrace the stillness within. You were born into freedom, and your dreams are calling you within. Every breakthrough began with one single step, a step towards freedom and unconditional love. Appreciate it, live it, go forth, and be a shining light to the world. Danny G. 

The Act of Allowing

Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to love, with the passion ignited from above. Don’t be a slave to your own misconceptions and preconceived notions. Just be who you truly are, while shining your light for a brighter humanity. Danny G. 

Prayers of Faith

When you look at the adversity that once petrified you, and you smile at your possibilities, and capabilities, you know you achieved a new state of awareness. When you achieve this state of awareness, challenges become stepping stones for a brighter outcome, and challenges become trivial to your own power. You hold the obstacle in the palm of your hand and say with God, all things are possible, and prayers of faith conquers all. Danny G. 

Creating With the Universe (Blog Article)

Creating for Ourselves and Humanity

I believe we are all creators, and we are creating ourselves anew every day. We have control through three things, which are thoughts, words, and actions. Think about something long enough; you create its very existence. Can you imagine a world where humanity would get the opposite of what we think about all the time? How about a world where everything was just random, and it was merely evolution? What control do you have with these beliefs?

How does someone overcome his overwhelming challenges when he says it is out of his control and power? If he tried everything through his atheist perspective and still cannot find a solution, how will his life unfold? By chance? What if his own capabilities are not enough at present? What will he rely on?

What kind of universe would be created by chance? It all boils down to faith. If I were to tell you healing from paralysis is possible, what would you say? Many would say they need proof, but a few would say they can set the example as the many who healed from paralysis.

If I were to tell you it is possible to live to 150 years old, would you believe it, or do you need proof? Records may say 122 years is the oldest a person has lived; you do not have the proof yet for 150 years, making you doubt and lack faith. If I were to tell you it is possible to be in vibrant health even after 100 years old, would you need proof? Can you set the example?

What creates aging, and what wears your body out? Primarily stress, fear, pessimism, bitterness, and poor lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and sleep. I am sure our environment has an effect, but only to the degree we let it. It is our reaction that defines everything, including the unfolding of our lives. If your environment causes you to give in to stress, fear, pessimism, bitterness, and poor lifestyle choices, your environment affects you. However, if you say, I am not my environment, and I can overcome my environment, you’re in the process of transformation. You are in the process of transformation by choosing to live in peace, optimism, gratitude, joy, faith, and love.

I chose these four emotions of stress, fear, pessimism, and bitterness as the culprit to aging because they are at the root of every negative emotion. Whenever you are feeling negative, it usually falls into one of these four emotions. You may say grief, but grief is a normal emotion we all feel. If we become bitter over time because of our grief, it takes a toll on our health. You may say anger, but anger is a normal emotion that we all feel, and it only affects our health if we give in to bitterness, rage or being overwhelmed, which is another form of stress. You may say genetics has an effect, but only to the degree we let it. We can agree that genetics does not determine everything, as we have seen it repeatedly with biological twins where one is healthy and the other has many health issues. We can also agree that genetics does not determine longevity, persistence, and faith.

If we can agree that negative emotion causes aging and decline, we can agree that positive emotion would create the opposite. It’s clear you have more energy when you’re in a positive frame of mind. You believe more in possibilities, and you are willing to act on possibilities if you act in faith. You are willing to take more positive steps for greater health if you live in faith. If you do not believe life will get better, will you take those steps to greater health or fulfilling your dreams? Will you speak about it, or would you act on inspiration?

Everything stems from thoughts such as insight, inspiration, enlightenment, wisdom, and open-mindedness. This results in taking action to create health and to achieve your every desire. Think of a universe where the source responds to faith, optimism, and gratitude. We can say the law works in our favor because regardless, it will bring joy.

Being in a consistent state of joy increases our energy, stamina, and our will to fight to achieve our every desire. If one can be at peace despite the chaos and their most pressing challenges, then the adversity is in their control and power. This is where true freedom lies, realizing our control and power through life’s endeavors.

Thought is ultimate creation, for, without it, we cannot create. Every idea stems first from thought. Words are just thoughts spoken out loud, but thoughts hold the essential meaning. How do we contradict thought in its purest form? Words are often contradicted, mistranslated, or modified. Often, we say something, and someone thinks differently about the same words we spoke. Or we say something and afterwards, realize it is not exactly the message we wanted to convey. Words hold misconceptions and preconceptions, and therefore I say listen to the meaning of the words, not merely words.

Actions are thoughts, and words come alive. When we think about it and speak about it long enough, we act. Action is the enjoyment of where we put our energy and attention, or sometimes the stress associated with the opposite of what we want. It is essentially our creation in physicality.

So many times, when we face our challenges that manifest, we do not see a means of escape, and we panic. Or by our consistent attention to the lack or opposite of what we want, we perpetuate the unfolding of the same reality. It is easier to fix the problem when it is not too overwhelming or not consuming so much energy.

Utilizing these laws for our benefit means focusing our energy on health, happiness, and success. We must convince ourselves that health, happiness, and success are ours through the source, the ultimate provider.

A loving father would not take away anything that brings joy through his unconditional love. A loving father would want nothing less for us than to be truly fulfilled. Think about the laws of the universe for a moment. Can you imagine a life where everything is just random or evolution?

Evolution says everything happens by chance. Everything happening by chance is out of our control. Would a creator say, I created this universe for you, and you have no control over the unfolding of humanity? That seems to underestimate where we are as humanity and the world and everything we have achieved since its creation.

The most important element is realizing our role in our spiritual journey and the evolution of humanity. It all starts with your thoughts, words, and actions. Remember, we are always creating, whether subconsciously or consciously. The real gift is recognizing that we are deliberate creators, and the power lies through the divinity that we are.

Success and Happiness

When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G. 

The Work is Within (Blog Article)

There are many different causes for mental health challenges, but at the root of almost every mental illness is a lack of self control. When we don’t feel in control, we indulge in addictive behaviors, not only substance abuse but our behavior and emotions as well. We can be addicted to our emotions if we cannot stop them. An addiction can be described as anything that you feel has control and power over you. If I was to say all day long, this disease has control over me, what would I create, and what would I act on? It’s our thoughts that move us to action. If I was to say all day long, I want to eat a cheese burger, what would happen eventually? 

This feeling of being out of control stems from a long perpetuating set of beliefs that have in many cases been lingering for a long time. What we believe we expect at one point or another. What is OCD, other than an overactive mind focused and obsessing over a particular situation, or event? 

Overcoming your mental health challenges is about discipline and retraining your mind into self empowerment. It’s remembering you created these thoughts from your misconceptions, environment, or others’ opinions. Saying it’s merely a chemical imbalance is stating that’s it’s something outside of you creating the disorder. When we leave it to an outside source, we have no control, and we’re destined to a fate out of our control. The only control we’ll ever have is through our thoughts, words and actions. Recovering is about creating a new set of beliefs, and expectations. What creates anxiety other than your expectation of fears about your future?

One of the best means of eliminating or reducing your anxiety is to be still. What is the opposite of anxiety or an overactive mind? Quieting your mind. Relaxation, mindfulness or meditation are a few examples and there are many more. The more you apply relaxation practices, and quiet your mind, the more you train your mind to be in a space of tranquility. Setting a time for a relaxation technique such as meditation can retrain your mind. Consistency is key. When we stop the practice, often we revert back to old ways of thinking, because our mind needs persistence and discipline to be retrained. Nevertheless, you’ve been programming your mind for so long, sometimes, it takes time to see progress. 

What is anxiety, depression or manic depression other than a belief you cannot control or manage the illness? If it was controlled or managed, would you always be having reoccurrences? There are physiological reasons for it, and biological reasons as well. However, the only control we have is our reaction to the illness, and the action is expressed through thought, word, and behavior. 

Mental illness doesn’t have to be a reoccurring theme in your life. You can heal and you can manage your health challenges, and not allow the illness to control you. Recovery requires a persistent determination to reprogram your mind into self empowerment and discipline. Practice being at peace with life, practice being optimistic, and practice the art of letting do. Set the course, speak to your challenge saying you’re nothing but a belief or expectation, and I can change you now. 

There’s a time to focus on the solution but there’s also a time to focus your energy in another positive direction. Give yourself a break every once in a while. Be your source of inspiration. Find things you’re passionate about so you will stop focusing so much on your illness, and you’ll feel a greater purpose as you discover your dreams and goals. Sometimes a fun or uplifting distraction is the best way to focus on a new chapter, and create a new life for you. In doing so, you’re focusing on something more productive than your addictive behaviors and emotions. You’ll discover a balance of discipline and distraction from your problems is the means of recovering one step at a time. 

Healing is always occurring, as your body is constantly changing. Allow it to change gracefully, and allow your soul to discover the wisdom that comes with age. Embrace the journey, and appreciate the moments of change. Allow yourself to break free from the cage of confinement, and allow yourself yourself to break free from the cage of powerlessness, pessimism, and bitterness. Mental illness doesn’t have to reoccur throughout a lifetime, and even if it does at times, you can practice and retrain your mind into self empowerment and self discipline.

Practice, repetition, and balance is key to recovery and greater peace of mind. You’ll discover the best means of letting go, and retraining your mind, is focusing on your potential, and not your lack of self control. 

Embrace the Inspiration

Embrace the stimulation, the motivation and the inspiration. Embrace the empowering thoughts that remind you of the source within you. Embrace the empowering emotions that you know in the depth of your being you shouldn’t suppress. You know you shouldn’t let inaction become your home, with your procrastination and unfulfilled dreams. You know it’s engraved in your soul, and destined to be. Danny G. 

Embrace the Phoenix

Whatever creates passion, love and a driving force to create positive change, for yourself and others, is what you came forth to be. Whatever passion you cannot suppress, that keeps on springing forth time and time again, that’s your calling from the divinity you are. Stop suppressing it, and stop procrastinating, be the leader of your emotions, and break free from your limitations. Embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.