You are a match to whatever it is you are attracting, the teachers or healers, the journey and success, the delays, detours and trials. There are many roads to the mountain top, but don’t wander forever in the forest, without a means to an end. Declare your success and breakthrough, and be bold and brave enough to take the high road, and never look back. Danny G.
Taking the Steps
Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G.
Remove the Thorn
When the adversity comes surging through, take it as an opportunity to remove the thorn. Take it as an opportunity to thrive, as the eagle rises high above the stormy wintery sky. He knows what he has to do to overcome the challenge and soar. Danny G.
Your Journey to Success
At times fear and despair can blossom into something beautiful, if you simply stop fighting the storm and embrace the new. Embracing the new means letting your thoughts be, not condemning them or finding fault, but realizing it’s just a part of your journey to success. Embracing means being who you truly are and being the best you. Your only control is being the best version of you, so stop fighting, and allow the divine to work in your life and orchestrate it all for you, and humanity. Danny G.
The Inevitable Journey
Let go of resistance and negative energy that zaps your strength. The universe knows what you want and it knows how to manifest it, so surrender, take action steps and believe in the inevitable journey of success. Danny G.
Simply Listen
Everything in the universe has a purpose if you simply listen. Listen to your inner voice and cut out all distractions from external sources. The divine dwells inside you at all times, so don’t be afraid, call to him in your darkest hours, and he will intervene and cause you to overcome. Danny G.
Claim Your Freedom
Would a loving God ever lay out a standard impossible to live up to? Would a loving God not applause every single breakthrough? Would a loving God say you’re not good enough, when you’re genuinely being the best you? These are all misconceptions we created in our mind, and when we release them, we release the burden, and we claim our freedom. Danny G.
Compassion and Empathy
Can you hurt enough to help humanity or a loved one? Or can you love enough to help humanity or a loved one? One can be victimized or sympathized, yet yield no solution. The other one will always lead to compassion and empathy. Let compassion and empathy lead the way, and don’t be the victim with no solution. Be the victor who is motivated by love, not victimization. Danny G.
The Driving Force
I’m at peace with you uneasiness and pain, whether you leave today or remain for a while. For now, you are my driving force to expand in my spiritual journey and be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G.
Essentially Who You Are
There are two voices inside your mind vying for your attention at all times. One speaks of truth, freedom, joy, peace, love, and all the good in the universe. The other speaks of pessimism, bitterness, fear and anything that contradicts the source within you. Which voice do you want to listen to, and which voice is essentially who you truly are? Danny G.