When stepping onto uncharted territory, and change comes knocking at your door, believe in the inevitable process that the journey will get better and better. The unknown is the best vantage point for positive change, and when you declare positive change in the midst of uncertainty and doubt, you change your path into inevitable success, joy and gratification. Danny G.
The Journey and Destination
Life is an unending journey, for you never cease to exist, nor will you ever have it all figured out. You will always have new dreams to hold onto, and further insight to gain. Don’t seek merely the end product, seek the present moment and all you can do with it. Then the journey will reveal itself along the way, as you appreciate and find pleasure in the simple things. Then the simple things become bigger things in this unending process we call life. You then look back and say the journey is the reason for being, and the destination is the reason for the journey. Danny G.
An Expression Of Who You Are
Seek yourself, and be yourself, and the right lover will come again. For when you are yourself, you’re authentic, and receptive to what’s divinely yours. Being someone else for an intention is denying yourself, and if you deny yourself, so will your match, for true love is an expression of who you truly are. Danny G.
A Love That Lasts
Falling in love for egotistical or superficial reasons is falling in love with a love that cannot endure. For when the ego vanishes, so does the lover and the intentions for the relationship. If you want to fall in love, seek those traits and values that lasts a lifetime. One will last a season, but the other will last a lifetime. Danny G.
The Essence Of Our Being
Our ego always focuses on external matters which are irrelevant to who we are. If we allow our ego to control us, we lose all power while allowing the tide to overtake us. Self awareness is realizing we are in control through source, the essence of our being. It’s realizing seeking inward is our true calling, and when we seek within, everything falls into place, including all the lives we touch. Danny G.
Quote for Today
The best way to predict your future, is to create it. Danny G.
The Future You Define
Self love is accepting the whole of who you are, and the past that brought you to this very moment. Self love is caring for yourself enough to be the best version of you, for the present, and the future that you define. Danny G.
Keeping Your Balance
Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom before taking action. Keep your balance, remain sturdy and faithful, so that when the storm surges through, just as the palm tree bends but never falls, you will be standing still, with love and gratitude in your heart. Danny G.
At Peace With the Unknown
Freedom is being at peace with the unknown, with your adversities and imperfections. It’s knowing you’re in control, and the power remains with your thoughts, words and actions. Create a masterpiece despite the imperfections and the opposition steering your way. Call it forth, as you guide the vessel to your destination and mission. Danny G.
Let Love Lead the Way
Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at times. It’s our reaction to anger that defines who we are and the unfolding of our lives. Anger also affects all the lives we touch, so let’s not act on revenge, bitterness or pessimism, since those emotions all cause separation. Separation is not an act of God. Love creates union and a peaceful world. Love casts all fear. Let love lead the way, and let God be the loving source he always was and always will be. Danny G.