Trust Your Intuition

Only you know what’s the ideal pathway for your life. Don’t allow others opinions or misconceptions to steer you off course. Trust your own power, intuition, and what you came forth to be, and you’ll discover the world you never knew through the senses of source. Danny G. 

Embrace the Unknown

Even if the path leads you to the unknown, or if it creates doubts and concerns that consume your mind, keep pressing through, despite the shackles on your feet, and the confusion that invades your mind. Eventually you’ll have your breakthrough, for persistence and faith always leads to your breakthrough, and victory. One day, you’ll feel a deep sense of gratitude for your persistence, and the simple act of unwavering faith. Danny G. 

Newfound Mission

Let spiritual growth be your newfound mission. Our spiritual journey is the very purpose of being and living. When we negate personal growth, life becomes stagnant and tedious with no end results. Therefore, seek inward, and you’ll realize the journey within, is what springs forth all triumph. Danny G.  

Simply A Season

All will make sense the day you let go. All will make sense the day you embrace the essence of who you truly are. All will make sense the day you realize your potential within. All will make sense the day you smile at your adversity and say, you were simply a season in my journey for my own personal growth and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Being At Peace With the Unknown

Be at peace with the unknown, and know this is the best vantage point to create. For you cannot create out of sameness, and out of sameness comes complacency and dullness. Therefore, embrace the unknown, be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and allow the divine to unleash its favor, abundance, and success. Danny G. 

Purpose Of Being

Don’t be so destination oriented that you forget to enjoy the journey. The journey is the purpose for being. The journey is the purpose for growth. The journey is the purpose to remember your true potential, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.

Source is Within You

Have the courage to step forth boldly despite the opposition turning your way. Have the persistence to move forward despite the shackles beneath your feet. And when everything tells you just to give in, persevere, claim it yours, for the divine is within you, orchestrating it all in your favor, for your ultimate best and happiness. Danny G.

The Timeline Of Your Life

The answer remains inside for all the happiness, health and success that is destined to be.  Don’t seek external matters that fade away with time.  Seek the eternal truths, embrace them, live them, while taking action steps to your dreams. Watch them play out in the movie screen of your mind, and eventually the timeline of your life. Danny G.