Speak to Your Adversity (Blog Article)

Often when challenges arise, we focus on it so much, we give it all our attention, thereby creating more of the same reality or worse. The more we focus on it, believe it, and expect it, we attract it into our life. By the perpetuation of our negative thinking, we cannot find a means of escape, and we dwell only on other’s perspectives. We give someone our power, and give up all together.

Whatever man thought was impossible, at one point man surprised us and achieved the impossible. So why dwell on can’t dos when we have the evidence in front of us that it can be done? Because we get tired, we become immersed in our challenges and pain, thinking about it so much it creates more of the same reality. We start to accept others’ opinions that’s it’s too difficult or impossible, and we lose our power. 

The only power we have is from within through our thoughts, words, and actions. By our reaction we change everything, including the events and circumstances in our life. We can choose to react in faith or pessimism which is an act of fear. Pessimism says it cannot be done. Pessimism says there’s no hope. There’s only two choices, one says I can do it, the other voice of pessimism focuses on all the worst outcomes in life. 

The more we focus on can dos, the more we focus on possibility and faith. The more we focus on possibility and faith the more we act on our beliefs and speak about our beliefs. The more we change our beliefs over time, the more we grow and don’t remain stagnant. 

Changing our beliefs starts by going beyond what others say and seeking within. Seeking within says I have my own intuition and I don’t need others to tell me what I can or cannot do. I can set the course and choose my destiny.

Ambassador of Hope

Don’t fight the system, be pro peace, be pro prosperity, and be pro abundance. By fighting the system, you only perpetuate the ongoing battle of conflict and war. Be an ambassador of hope, peace, and abundance, so you may shine your light to those in need, and so you may fight the battle the compassionate way, the only way the divine intended us to, from the very beginning. Danny G. 

Rise Up

You do not need to reach the mountain top right away. Sometimes huge leaps of faith aren’t necessary. You just need a dream to hold onto, persist and claim it yours. Time passes and the night settles with a storm and the fog affects your vision when darkness falls. Just know you’ve been down this path before, and with persistence and faith, you’ll rise up, call it forth, and triumph. Danny G.

Deliberate Creators

As the deliberate creators we are, we’re always programming our mind every single day. It never ends, it’s a constant stream, broadcasting events, circumstances, and sometimes trials. We observe our surroundings as we venture into the unknown, fabricating all types of scenarios subconsciously, as we tread the path to our destination. Some are good, some are trouble, as we try to find our path in the illusionary game of time and space. Let’s think consciously and be the deliberate creators we’re born to be, not creating by default, but with a purpose in mind, a destination, and free will. Danny G.

The Right Type Of Motivation

Appreciate the whole of who you are, everything that brought you to this very moment, and your environment, for it molded you into the essence of who you are. Motivation that stems from unworthiness and sympathy never brings true joy and fulfillment. Take what you have, plant a seed and watch it bloom into a mighty oak tree. Danny G.

Creating from the Unknown

Once you let go of the old personality of doubt, fear, and pessimism, you’ll walk into uncharted territory, and claim it yours. You’ll know the best means of creation is from the unknown, for you cannot create from sameness. You’ll walk with joy in your heart, smile at the adversity with no intimidation, just newfound wisdom and a newfound life. You’re always creating yourself anew every day, and the unknown is the best starting point and vantage point. Danny G.

Faith and Triumph Prevails

The choices we make from child to present molds our current reality, and creates our future endeavors. Our lives are a manifestation of all the thoughts, words and actions along our physical trail. Be proud of your accomplishments, but let go of the old. Let go of the old personality of pessimism and bitterness, and let the new personality of faith and triumph prevail. Danny G.

Utter Faith

What is inside your inner world comes out at times, and sometimes the dark side reveals itself with the light. When you feel confused, lost, or bitter at the world, ensure you seek within and find the God or Goddess within you. The God within you would always act out of love, compassion and integrity. And the God within you would say all things are possible with utter and unwavering faith. Danny G.

Shining Example

Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at one point. Revenge, or bitterness is optional. If you feel anger, use it constructively, and use it for your own healing and the well being of others. Be the shining example of the one who walks in love, forgiveness and compassion. Danny G.