Your Sole Responsibility

You’re the only one responsible for your unhappiness. External matters only affect you to the degree you let them, and they have no control over you unless you give them power. Recognize your depth, your soul, and the universal forces dwelling inside your heart and mind. When you’re aware of this, you become the spiritual warrior destined to be, destined to thrive, and destined to triumph. Danny G.

Create the Rehearsal

Life is not a rehearsal. You create your life and mission as you set the stage for its arrival. Don’t act as if it’s all laid out under an external power. Seek inward, and allow the divine to lead the journey. Know that his will is your will because he always has your best interest at heart, and he’s always guiding you to your ultimate best, and triumph. Danny G.

Mastering Your Reaction

The exterior is sometimes beyond our reach. But if you seek within, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for, and you’ll have the intuition to manifest your deepest desires. Your only control is your reaction to life’s obstacles, and when you master your reaction, you master the game of life. Danny G.

Brand New Story

Your lack of self control is only created by your past thoughts. For if you would repeat every moment is a new creation, you would stop focusing on the old, and you would focus on a brand new story. Danny G.

The Source Within You

When you feel exhausted beyond reason, call the God or Goddess within you, for it has all the answers you’re looking for, and it has all the healing and prosperity you’re looking for. Your only part is to declare it, take action steps to your dreams, receive it, and then claim it yours. Danny G.

Smile At Its Intensity

The pain or discomfort was first created in the mind. It’s the perpetual aggravation that magnifies its intensity. When we dread it and fear it, we only bring about its very essence. Accept you’re human and you will feel, but smile at its intensity. Know the source within you says anything is possible, and anything is within our reach. Danny G.

A Lesson on the Divine Path

You get so stuck on the old story that you forget about the new one. You get tangled up in your problems forgetting there’s always a means of escape. You focus on its intensity until it zaps your strength. The power lies in I AM. I AM an overcomer, and nothing can pull me down, as it was only a lesson on my divine path to propel me to greatness. Danny G.

Seeking Peace and Stillness

Find perfection in an imperfect world. Seek peace in the midst of chaos and opposition. Seek that place of stillness where all is well and everything is working together for good. The universal laws are created perfectly in its ideal sequence for your unique purpose and mission.  Danny G.

The Spark Of Change

There’s always two worlds within you. One can see the cruelty, inequality, and chaos of the world. One can see the joy, unity, and peace. Which one do you want to embrace, and which one do you want to spark change? Danny G.