Allow the naysayers or perpetrators to teach you and redefine you into the Phoenix you were created to be. They cross your path because there’s a lesson to be learned from your soul. Allow it, receive it, and move beyond those pessimistic and bitter lenses. Know you are worthy, and know you deserve the very best life has to offer. Danny G.
Two Worlds Within You
Don’t look around with pessimistic lenses, for you can see only the ugliness in the world if you do so. There’s always two stories within you, and two worlds within you. Choose optimism, choose gratitude, and focus on your desired outcome. Then, see it play back as the essence of reality, and the essence of your new reality. Danny G.
Mountain Top
Trust that your life is destined for greatness and happiness. Always remember that the storm will surge in from time to time, and the mountain top may seem insurmountable at times. But with the God or Goddess you are, nothing can pull you down, and nothing can intervene as you’re destined to triumph. Danny G.
Plan For It
Plan for success and prosperity. Plan for happiness and peace. Plan for love and compassion. You can plan for anything you want, so stop suspecting the worst outcome and predicament. Let your thoughts drift to your source, to who you truly are, and let it unfold for your greatest good, purpose and calling. Danny G.
Discovering Yourself
Let go of the past, and don’t relive the pain again and again. Regret will only push you further from who you truly are, and what you’re destined to become. Everything that happened in your life was for your highest good, and everything that happened was for your spiritual journey, to discover yourself once again, and to discover your calling, purpose, and potential within. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Writing allows the mind to delve deeper into the meaning of the journey for personal growth and a spiritual evolution. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Unwavering and sturdy on his feet, fully aware source is within him, guiding him, and leading him to a harvest where he will bloom like a mighty oak tree. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Start where you are with what you have, plant a seed, and have faith it will bloom like a mighty oak tree. Danny G.
Infinite Intelligence and Power
Wellness and success is yours to claim, so don’t underestimate yourself by believing you’re not worthy or deserving. Know that source is calling you, and waiting for you to step on board and declare what’s yours. Know nothing is too great for the infinite intelligence and power of the great I AM! Danny G
Quote for Today
Don’t focus on the absence of it, mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G.