When you dwell in the land of uncertainty and doubt, or you dwell in misconceptions and contrast, keep your eye onward towards acceptance and light. Keep your eye onward towards transformation and love. Keep your eye onward towards triumph and victory. For you know you always write the script, and every single day is a new beginning and journey. Danny G.
Heart Mind and Soul
Whatever you do, do it with your heart, mind and soul, for your intention should always be of joy and peace for yourself and others. When this becomes your primary focus, you become the essence of who you are. All your desires are attainable, through God’s unconditional love and grace. Danny G.
Your Greatest Teacher
Let failure be your teacher, inspiration, and wisdom. Let failure cause you to strive for greater, and triumph. Let failure be a learning experience, for it was always meant to keep you striving for greater, and never give in. One step at a time, with one success at a time, will eventually lead to your breakthrough, abundance, and victory. Danny G.
The Journey of Life
There will always be more mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome. There will always be more questions in disguise and opportunities to seek. Love, experience, and explore the journey of life. For when we are fully satisfied, a new desire springs forth, for the miraculous unfolding of life. Danny G.
Perfection in Your Eyes
Don’t settle for mediocrity. Don’t settle for less than who you are, and what you deserve. Owe it to yourself to rise above the challenge, and see perfection in your eyes. Owe it to yourself to break free from the chain keeping you down. Owe it to yourself to claim what’s rightfully yours, and set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.
Unwavering Faith
Seek strength from the divine, and you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Seek wisdom above your ego lenses, and allow your gifts to shine through. As you pour your energy into your spiritual journey, you’ll realize nothing is impossible or unattainable, through your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
Your Greatness Within
When your intuition calls you to embark, and you ignore it, you push away all good and your potential within. Take this intuition as a premonition for your own well being, future and life. Take action when it calls you forward, and know the divine is always within you, guiding you to his glory and your greatness within. Danny G.
Steps of Faith
Start with baby steps if you must, if leaps of faith only leaves you tired and bleak. One step at a time with persistence and faith, is enough to tread mountains and win. When the challenge knocks you to the ground, and you cannot summon the energy to get up, gather all the strength and wisdom you can muster up, persevere, and create a magnificent piece of art. Danny G.
True Love and Acceptance
What is loyalty? We protect our loved ones, feel sympathy for them, and stand by their side, completely understanding their truth as we make it our own. We feel anger and bitterness towards the perpetrator, not considering everyone has their own story and reason for being. Everyone has weaknesses and flaws but we do little to accept them, not considering our own. Sometimes anger and bitterness feels better, so we tread the path, and create more anger and bitterness in our lives. True love and acceptance is knowing everyone has their own journey and reason for being. True love and acceptance is knowing we walk an imperfect path in an imperfect world. True love and acceptance is knowing sometimes atrocities and prejudice turns people cold, and they never recover. True love and acceptance is loving despite it all, not condoning, but realizing we all come from the same source. True love is realizing we all originate from the divine, and we’re all Gods and Goddesses in human form. It’s realizing the God within us would act out of love, not malice towards all heavenly beings. Danny G.
Allow It to Redefine You
Don’t shrink back from overwhelming emotions out of fear or doubt. If you’re not ready, take a step back, but if it’s fear holding you back, allow it to redefine you, mold you and change you. Allow the bold creator you are to be brave in opposition, and create a beautiful piece of art. Danny G.