The Opportunity’s Calling

The opportunity will present itself at the ideal time when you’re ready. Don’t fight against it, trust your source, and allow his intuition to shine through even in the darkest moments. Have faith in the inevitable, and have faith that the great I AM is walking with you, guiding you, and unleashing his magic for you, and humanity. Danny G.

Self Empowering Creator

Have perseverance and faith when tackling life’s challenges. When the challenge presents itself with confusion without an answer in sight, remember your source and creator.  He has all the answers available when you seek within and allow his wisdom to guide you. Listen to your intuition, and allow the divine to unfold his miraculous works. When you do this, nothing can stop his divine will, purpose and dream. The power is in your hands as you create your destiny, and write the script. Danny G. 

Allow the Divine

Allow the inspiration to lead you to your calling and purpose. When you make an effort to be in alignment, and you be the best version of you, the inspiration calls you to take bold steps of faith to your dream. Trust in the source, don’t fear or doubt, step on board and allow the divine to release his magic. Danny G.

Have Faith and Seek Within

Wake up with a yearning in your heart that all is well, everything is working together for your good, and humanity. Wake up knowing the infinite and limitless intelligence is inside you, guiding you, and causing you to triumph. Wake up knowing the answers and prayers you seek are waiting for you when you have faith in this power and seek within. Danny G.

Utter Satisfaction

Satisfaction is knowing you’ve done everything you could to be the best version of you. Satisfaction is being your best where you are, with what you have, and being grateful despite the adversity striking with ferocity from time to time. It’s knowing seasons come and go, sometimes without a warning in site. Your only power is being the best you, and allow the universe to work its magic. Danny G.

Mastering the Mind

The more you become in alignment with the divine, the more good you attract in your life. The more you think as the God or Goddess you are, the more you master the mind. Delve into your spiritual evolution, and make it your primary focus, and then when your future self stares back at you, you’ll feel utter joy and appreciation for the great I AM! Danny G. 

The Ideal Timing

Don’t be so destination oriented that you forget to live for today. The journey should come from living in the present and embracing it. Do you want everything to come to you at once, or do you want to embrace each season in its ideal timing? Everything has a sequence, so don’t fight it, and allow yourself to feel the joy and perfection of today. Danny G

Sturdy Strong and Resilient

Everything you do today for your well being and spiritual evolution, you will be thankful for in the future. When the challenge presents itself with a moment of uncertainty or doubt, or perhaps an overwhelming fear that is difficult to settle, just know you’ve done the work, and as the palm tree bends but never falls, know you are sturdy, strong and resilient to win the battle. Danny G.

Allow the Inspiration

Seek alignment with source, and allow the inspiration to unfold. When you’re in alignment with the divine, you’re receptive to the answers you’re looking for, and to all the good that is freely available to you through God. Therefore, seek first alignment and allow the steps of faith to lead you to your breakthrough and triumph. Danny G.

Brilliant Mind at Work

Don’t allow the adversities to take control and overtake you. Don’t allow it to zap your strength and cause you to give in. You are strong, you are vibrant, and you have the most brilliant mind at work through the divine. Every time that moment of fear or doubt returns, remember your vision and hold it in your mind. Remember about your untapped potential within, and the greatness you were born to be. Danny G.