Redefining Moment

Quiet your mind, seek wisdom while knowing experience and exploration brings you newfound knowledge. Self discovery sometimes reveals the dark places during the cold wintery nights. Embrace yourself, don’t condemn it, and allow the journey to redefine you into the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.

Glad to Embark

Are you looking to be partially fulfilled or are you looking to be the best version of you standing in the midst of your dreams. Many people settle for less and they get tired of searching, so they give in before their breakthrough, and allow the tide to take over. Claim what’s destined to be, steadfastly persist, and when the season calls you, you will know, and you will be glad you persevered and embarked. Danny G.

A Journey to Embark

There will always be more questions to answer, and incompletion in disguise. There will be more mountains to climb, and a journey to embark. Don’t fight it, or resist it, and allow it to unfold as it should. Savor the view, make memories, so that in the end, you will be pleased you embarked. Danny G.

Unleash the Greater You

If you want to recreate the new version of you, you cannot recreate by holding on to the past.  Holding on to the past only recreates yesterdays. If you want to recreate you, embrace change, and hold the vision in your mind of your creation. Allow the unfamiliar and the unknown to shape you into who you’re destined to be. The past can be a teacher, and the unknown can be your opportunity to unleash the greater you. Danny G. 

Create With Passion

If this source of God loves you as you are, unconditionally, why wouldn’t he have your best interests at heart? If he dwells inside your heart and mind, why wouldn’t he give you the answers? Your doubt blocks it, but your faith welcomes this life force to surge through your body, and create intentionally with passion. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.

The Limitless Source

Every invention came first from an idea. Every breakthrough came first from persistence and faith. Every recovery came first from a belief that it can be done. Therefore, know your power and part in creation. Know the limitless source you serve, and the infinity of the universe, and that nothing is impossible with the great I AM! Danny G. 

Mastering Life

The more you understand your depth, the inner you, and you make an effort to know your source and its universal forces that govern humanity, the more you master the game of life. And when you master the game of life, you can feel the unseen forces working on your behalf for its glory. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.

The Miraculous Journey

Quiet your mind enough to find that place of stillness, peace, and tranquility. Look passed those pessimistic eyes, and all the ugliness in the world. Your source says you can conquer anything, and your source says anything is possible. Repeat all is well, everything works together for good in the end, and nothing can prevent the course of your miraculous journey to unfold. Danny G.

Faith Over the Opponent

Be aware without fear. Seek safety, and health without fear. Seek wisdom without pessimism, confusion and doubt. Be aware that your focus perpetuates the unfolding, and that faith is greater than any opponent. Know that in due time, this too shall pass, and everything is working together for my good, and humanity. Danny G.

Allow God To Intervene

Revenge is never the hand of God, nor will it ever bring you solace and peace. Honor your forgiving heart that rests underneath, and honor your strength and perseverance. Don’t act on bitterness, be the compassionate person you’re born to be. Allow God to intervene, mold you, and change you into the person you’re destined to be. Danny G.