Journey Of Triumph

When you stand above that bridge fearing the fall, find the strength within and know your calling. Force it into being if you must, and gather all the wisdom you can muster up. Then when you step down, with a sigh of relief, you can share with others, your journey of triumph and victory. Danny G.

Soul Mates

A soul mate is someone who resonates with your very core. It’s someone who understands you, and brings out the very depth of your being. It’s someone who brings your potential to life, with the very best intentions at heart. There are many soul mates, but one or a few, you may choose in your lifetime. They’re destined to cross your path at the ideal timing, so don’t fight it, or try to force it into being. Allow the seasons to unfold in their divine timing as they should, and you’ll cross paths, when your soul is ready to embark. Danny G.

Lessons from the Soul

You carry old scars that create your reality today. Those old scars become your frustrations and pain. They linger on and latch by your side creating havoc in your mind, and unfolding the path before you. As long as you carry that bitterness in the pit of your stomach, the past will present you with more frustrations and pains.  Learn to let go, and let love rule your mind and soul. When you do this, those old scars become memories or lessons, within the depth of your soul. Danny G.

Destined to Triumph

Don’t follow the trend, follow your unique soul’s journey. Everyone that followed the trend was focused on others rather than their inner self. Advice is good, but everyone has wisdom within, calling them to their untapped potential and greatness. The trend follows the perceived right, but the soul follows its unique purpose, destined to triumph. Danny G.

Your Depth

Acceptance is realizing there are many stages throughout your journey. Acceptance is realizing the past may not repeat itself, even though you desperately want it to. Acceptance is loving yourself in your own skin, and knowing the journey brought you here. Acceptance is realizing the depth of who you are, your newfound wisdom, and the person you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Under My Feet

When the rock struck you sideways, know there’s purpose within the storm. No matter how dire it seems, don’t forget your worthiness and will. You’re a victor and overcomer, and you have always been. The storm is calling you to proclaim freedom and peace. Therefore, go forth, release your gifts and guiding light to the world. Say it’s under my feet, release the chains and claim it yours. Danny G.

Magnificent Harvest

God is aware of everything you need on this present day and the years to follow. He knows your heart’s desires, your true potential and power. He knows how to orchestrate it all in your favor, and for humanity. Don’t doubt, trust his power, and allow his spirit of faith and peace to lead you to a safe haven, and magnificent harvest. Danny G.

Waiting to Declare Yours

Though the tunnel seems dark and gloomy beyond reason, and you cannot find a means of escape. Though tiresome and bleak, you tread along anyway. You’re a victor and you always knew it within, that you can tread mountains with your imagination and dreams. Keep your head above the foggy drift, and you’ll see there’s a world inside waiting to declare yours. Danny G. 

Everlasting Growth

Working collectively for a peaceful nation is knowing everyone has their share to correlate and create meaningful change. It’s knowing we’re in this together, in a journey for peace and joy. As we work in unity, not separation, we find the strength within, through our source and power. With faith and persistence, the divine unfolds the miraculous journey. Let the path unfold as our intuition follows for a greater humanity, and everlasting growth. Danny G. 

Courage Faith and Persistence

Don’t allow the environment and adversities to overtake you and win the battle. Speak to your mountain, and declare what’s rightfully yours. For every breakthrough began with courage, faith, and persistence to see it through. The battle didn’t wear him out, for he allowed it to mold him into the essence of who he is, and what’s destined to be. Danny G.