Finding Peace and Solace

If you look outside yourself you’ll find the pessimistic walls surrounding you. A barrier to your peace and happiness. You’ll see chaos and a desperate yearning for solace. Look within, and you’ll find a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that says all is well, everything is working together for me, my loved ones, and humanity. Danny G. 


You’re a true friend because you saw potential when no one else had. You’re a true friend because you revel in my success, as much as your own. You’re a true friend because despite the highs and lows, you still care. Most importantly, you know the meaning of genuine loyalty. Danny G. 

Newfound Eyes

There is poetry in everything that you see,

If you look beyond and catch a profound glimpse.

The stormy night to the bright sunrise, 

There is depth if you look within.

Every speck forms life, 

And a glimpse with newfound eyes.

From the depth of sea to the wide open space, 

There is poetry in a maze destined to be seen.

Creation at work to unfold,

As we lay the grounds 

And a story to be told.

There is a pioneer 

A chef 

And a captain, 

To steer the course 

With Humanity at large. 

Let’s change the world

And not forget, 

All the progress 

Yet to be claimed.

We’re newcomers and old souls,

As our generation strives for greatness.

Danny G.

Unleash the Giant Within You

My words are recollections of what you knew within the depth of your being. They’re meant to unleash the giant within you. Put them into motion with your thoughts and boldness. Step into action with your vision at the forefront, knowing nothing is too great for the God or Goddess within you. Danny G. 

Reclaim It Now

Maybe life didn’t turn out as you hoped, or you feel lost, confused and heartbroken. Perhaps you had much greater plans, and the challenges feel much beyond your reach. I can assure you God is with you when the sun sets, when the night turns dark, and the ground trembles beneath your feet. Believe in the God or Goddess that you are, claim your freedom and victory now, cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G.

Our Potential Within

Our tests and trials are self imposed for us to unleash our full potential and greatness. They’re meant to smooth the rough edges, and get rid of the dark places. You may not see it yet, but one day you’ll see how it all came together for you, your growth, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Focusing on the Vision

Focus on your vision, not the mountain. Focus on possibilities, not the obstacles. Focus on your dream, protect it, and claim it yours. For whatever one has achieved, so can you, and whatever hasn’t been achieved, you can be the pioneer on a new mission. Danny G.

Recognize the Depth

Observe and you will see what’s hidden underneath, rather than listening to the ego that looks merely at the surface. Recognize the depth, rather than the superficial outer shell. True acceptance and love comes from seeing the soul, which is our true potential and who we truly are. Danny G.

Magnificent Sunrise

Just like the beautiful moon can shine in the black wintery sky, you too can shine in the midst of the dark alleys and thrive. Those dark alleys were only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny, and triumph. Regain your power, make it your own, while knowing it’s your imagination that creates a masterpiece and a magnificent sunrise. Danny G. 

Your Wisdom Within

There are many roads to Rome with adventures and freedom knocking at your door. However, do not get too conformed to your outer self that you neglect your wisdom within. Sometimes it’s a process of trial and error, as you tread the path to your vision and dream. Nevertheless, seeking within, should be your true calling and purpose. Danny G.