Observe and you will see what’s hidden underneath, rather than listening to the ego that looks merely at the surface. Recognize the depth, rather than the superficial outer shell. True acceptance and love comes from seeing the soul, which is our true potential and who we truly are. Danny G.
Magnificent Sunrise
Just like the beautiful moon can shine in the black wintery sky, you too can shine in the midst of the dark alleys and thrive. Those dark alleys were only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny, and triumph. Regain your power, make it your own, while knowing it’s your imagination that creates a masterpiece and a magnificent sunrise. Danny G.
Your Wisdom Within
There are many roads to Rome with adventures and freedom knocking at your door. However, do not get too conformed to your outer self that you neglect your wisdom within. Sometimes it’s a process of trial and error, as you tread the path to your vision and dream. Nevertheless, seeking within, should be your true calling and purpose. Danny G.
The Genuine Soul
Don’t walk through life careless and oblivious to your surroundings. Don’t walk through life never contemplating those deep questions. Don’t walk through life never reflecting on what might be, and of your greatness within. Reflect on your potential, and the God or Goddess you are. Know your depth, who you truly are, and your world will mirror back your genuine soul. Danny G.
Without A Doubt
Have faith as you allow the journey to unfold knowing without a doubt your victory is near. Seek the divine, know you are guided, as you tread the path to your destination and dream. With persistence and faith you always have what you need to win the battle, triumph and claim it yours. Danny G.
Sharing the Deed
Give what you have with a pure heart, and know your actions do not go unnoticed. For everyone needs something, and everyone is searching for something. That very deed you’re thinking about, may grow into a mighty oak tree, springing forth its branches to unleash its leaves, for the mere purpose of sharing the deed. Danny G.
Remember Your Vision
Every work of art began with one stepping stone, and perseverance and faith to the masterpiece and dream. As you lay the stones, hold fast to your vision, persevere and claim it yours. If opposition strikes, remember your origin and who you are. Remember your vision, why you started, and declare what’s rightfully yours. Danny G.
The Road to Greatness
The journey had to start somewhere, and sometimes it has uphills, mountains to climb, and detours. Nevertheless, it’s all part of the journey, and without it all there would be no triumph or victory. All together, your innate desire is calling you for growth, greatness, and ultimately the best version of you and humanity. Danny G.
Your Power and Gifting
You are the masterpiece of your life, therefore, create intentionally while knowing imagination is what springs forth all happiness and triumph. Every single trophy had to be created by man’s skillful hands, and it was delivered to man’s gifted hands. Therefore, know your power, your gifting, and your role in the evolution of your journey. Danny G.
Self Worth
Self-worth is a reflection of you, who you truly are, and it unfolds the journey before you. Embrace yourself, appreciate the inner you, while knowing the outer self changes when you realize your worthiness and potential within. Danny G.