Reason for Being

Never underestimate your own power, and the unique soul you are. Listen to the authentic voice within, calling you to greatness and success. Embrace it, make memories, seek wisdom while knowing authenticity and joy is the reason for being. Danny G. 

Completion and Perfection

There is no right or wrong, there are only benefits or consequences to your actions and behavior. Know it’s a learning experience through trial and error, and make sure you enjoy the journey and make memories. Don’t give in despite the stormy night, for when it’s all said and done, it will feel like completion and perfection in your eyes. You’ll look at it from afar and say, although treacherous and forbearing, it’s a work of art, and I’m glad I embarked. Danny G.

Creating A Masterpiece

It all starts with a baby step, then it catapults into your every desire. The one aspect that brought it forth was your very thought and intent. Therefore, know that your baby steps are serving a purpose, and they’re vital in creating a masterpiece, destined to be yours. Danny G. 

Compassionate Source and Power

Whatever you project, you receive, so make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, in a world of myriad facets. Know that this very energy has a way of making its way back to you, as a thank you from this compassionate source and power. Danny G.

Declare Your Healing

Look at your enemy in the eyes, don’t forget or condone but scrutinize. Gaze into his hollow eyes, and see the world that brought forth his malicious intent. Forgive him for all the pain and misery he put you through, and watch the pain slowly subside, as you become aware of your freedom and peace. Release the burden, declare your healing, and allow the journey to take you back home. Danny G.

Infinite Source and Power

Every great hero or leader felt battle fatigue at one time in their lives. They tried and failed, succeeded, then fell back. It did not matter how great the challenge was, or how much opposition came forth. Neither did it matter that their body was aching and they felt exhausted beyond belief. They had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. For every time doubt came creeping in, they remembered their origin, their ancestors, and the ones who never gave in. They knew the victory was theirs through persistence, faith, and knowing that nothing is too great for our infinite source and power. Danny G. 

Your Will and Purpose

When you have faith in this infinite intelligence and power, your strength and vitality is renewed. What you thought was impossible is now within your reach, as you stumble into opposition, and thrive nevertheless. You’ll step unto uncharted territory, claim it yours, and you will know you are anointed for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.

Your Only Requirement

Your only requirement: be your best where you are with what you have, and expect the universe to do the rest. Your only power: thoughts, words, and actions. Together they can move mountains on your behalf. Danny G.

The Masterpiece of Your Life

Everything in life has a sequence and perfect timing. Wait steadfastly in positive anticipation for what lies next and what the path unfolds. Within the journey you’ll find wisdom, strength, and faith despite the stormy night. Look closely, you’ll discover joy, enlightenment, and serendipity in disguise. All together this creates the best version of you and the masterpiece of your life. Danny G.

Standing Next to It

Although it hasn’t manifested, I know there is divine timing for everything and everyone. For now I wait in patience, steadfastly holding on to my vision, while not consumed by its absence. For if it appears tomorrow, so be it, and if it appears in 5 years, so be it, and if in 10 years, so be it. For the waiting doesn’t make me lose my alignment, and the waiting doesn’t take away my joy. Therefore, I wait in silence knowing I can be standing right next to it. Danny G.