Move Beyond That Point

Many people underestimate themselves, and when they face adversities, their poor view of themselves and life becomes a mantra thereby carving the path before them. It becomes their reality, many times much less then their potential. Move beyond that point by letting go. Move beyond that point by seeing yourself through source’s perspective. Source’s perspective says anything is possible and he loves you unconditionally. Trust in this compassionate universe and know your power for change, overcoming and thriving. Danny G. 

Learn To Be You

We create barriers with ourselves thinking there is only one right road. We create barriers by pushing away contrast. We create barriers by fighting against our challenges. Just as the river flows downstream, learn to flow with it, not against it. Learn to be at peace nevertheless. Learn to have joy despite the imperfections of life. Learn to be you in the midst of chaos. Danny G. 

Be You

The life we have now is an accumulation of our thoughts, actions and environment. We think it into being through the years. Some thoughts are subconscious. Learn to be conscious more. Learn to be deliberate more. Learn to be you more. Danny G. 

Inner Peace Despite It All

Obsessing only creates more obsessing. Resistance creates more resistance. Fighting against your adversities only aggravates you. Learn to be at peace despite the imperfections of life. Learn to be led by your higher self. When you do, aggravation turns into inner peace and the solution manifests. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Not understanding the universal laws that govern humanity can be described as going into an exam room completely oblivious on how to respond and not even knowing how to begin. Danny G. 

The Best Version Of You

What good can there be in becoming the best stock broker, or the best musician if you don’t know how to handle life, and the challenges we all face at one point or another? What good can there be in becoming the best if we forgot why we began in the first place? Are we in competition or are we trying to be the best version of ourselves? Danny G. 

Wisdom and Open Mindedness

Intellect without wisdom doesn’t yield success. For you can be the the smartest person in the world, but if you lack wisdom, you’ll stumble wherever you go. What happens when you experience loss and grief? What happens when you face challenges and adversities? Can intellect alone help you when you are tested on your moral values? Intellect without wisdom will only get you so far. Your ego will only get you so far. But wisdom will guide you and teach you when you are lost and confused. Wisdom and open mindedness will keep you focused on your goals and dreams. 

Wisdom At Our Fingertips

What is the salvation of God? It’s knowing God loves you unconditionally. It’s knowing he is always within you and willing to help. It’s wisdom at our fingertips. All God requires of you is to be your best where you are with what you have. Danny G. 

The Essence Of Who You Are

When you focus only on the external world, you get so immersed in this reality, that you forget what matters above all else, which is your spiritual evolution. The eternal, infinite universal spirit that transcends the universe, is the reason you’re here, and it’s who you are, and if you forget this, then you have forgotten the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

You Choose

You create division by saying this is the one and only path. You steer people away by saying this is the one and only path. There are many teachers and thought leaders from many different facets in life. Choose what resonates with you and let go of the rest. Danny G.