Steadfastness and Perseverance

If you would see all the universal forces by your side waiting to assist you, you would never fear  or doubt its power. You would know steadfastness and perseverance wins the battle. And you’d have the courage to step forth boldly with faith in your heart, and strength in your veins, while knowing the victory is yours to keep. Danny G. 

Dared to Believe and Persevere

Although the journey may not be easy, and the healing may not come immediately, and you may feel the world crumbling down on you. Always remember the ones who had their breakthrough, pulled through steadfastly with persistence. They knew the path was paved, and they dared to believe and persevere. Danny G. 

Your Power and Resilience

With persistence, wisdom, and faith, you can conquer mountains before you. It all starts with a belief in your worthiness, strength, and the brilliant soul that you are. Don’t doubt your power, and resilience, for it was meant to catapult you to greatness. Danny G.

Your Only Control and Power

Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have. Know it’s always enough to achieve your every desire. If you can think it, you can manifest it, for every dream first started with a single thought, and it required persistence and faith to bring it to fruition. Be the best version of you, and allow the universe to intervene for your greatest good. Danny G. 

Persisting Steadfastly

When the voices say I don’t care, create your own passion, zeal, and dreams. Force it into being if you must, and know your affirmations and declarations are rewriting the script. Explore while seeking your soul, and know that when you persist steadfastly to your dream, nothing is impossible. You know the universe conspires on your behalf and you allow it to unleash its magic for you, and humanity. Danny G.

Destined for Greatness

Nothing is random or an accident, and neither are you. You were created with purpose and uniqueness, destined to spark change. Don’t doubt your power, your gifts, and your origin, for the universe is waiting for you to unleash the inner you, who is destined for greatness. Danny G. 

Allow it to Flourish

Let your calling lead the path, as you accept it, and allow it to flourish. Don’t fight against it, let it unfold, and call you to a greater purpose. For it will keep springing forth time and time again until its mission is fulfilled, and your joy magnifies with greater passion, zeal and life. Danny G.

Being Conscientious and Bold

If your every thought, word, and action is creating your present today and your future tomorrow, what do you wish to do for yourself and others? Be conscientious while remaining bold, and remember you are the master of your destiny, destined for greatness. Know that by staying in alignment, you inevitably make the world a brighter place to live. Danny G.

The Journey Calling You

In the midst of the storm, there is a path unfolding, a journey calling you to your dream and purpose. Although you cannot see it, nor see the growth, through exploring and seeking, your destiny is calling within. Don’t fight it, let the current guide you, and most importantly, let joy find you and make its home indefinitely, in your heart. Danny G.

Meant to Catapult You

Don’t fall prey to life’s current reality and challenges, for they were only meant to catapult you into your divine destiny. Every journey has uphills, trials, and contrast, but don’t allow them wear you down incessantly. Allow them to mold you, change you, and redefine you into the  phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.