Unique Journey and Triumph

Intuition comes from within, not from an outside source. Seek within and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for, from the infinite intelligence. Who would know best other than the one who created you, lives in you, and is in every particle in the universe? Your uniqueness defines who you are, what comes next, and your ultimate potential. And your inner guidance is destined for your unique journey and triumph. Danny G. 

Focusing on Optimism

You can entertain anything with your thoughts, either negative, or positive. Whatever you entertain will eventually seep into your reality. Spend time contemplating and reflecting on your desired outcome. Think of it as writing a script and having it played on the movie screen of your mind. It can either be a meaningful, uplifting movie, or it can be its opposite. Recognize the importance of guiding your thoughts to joy and fulfillment, and you’ll get the essence of your every desire. Danny G. 

The Old Soul

Seeking merely expensive toys, a life of luxury and status will never bring true happiness and success. The old soul seeks to fulfill the soul, through seeking within, finding purpose, and being of value. Neither should be condemned, as it’s all about finding balance, where freedom lies. Nevertheless, being the old soul, is what brings true joy, and fulfillment. Danny G.

Your Soul Yearns Growth

Seek your inner self, and don’t allow the world to conform you. Your soul yearns for growth, through self discovery and freedom. Therefore, be who you truly are, while exploring and seeking wisdom, so you may shine your gifts for a brighter humanity. Danny G. 

Intuition from the Divine

Every challenge and adversity speaks to our soul on some level. Some people embrace it, move forward, and thrive. Others allow the challenge to control them, while allowing the tide to overtake them. There are the ones who listens to the situation, contemplates, reflects, and turns their mountains into an achievement that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G. 

Perseverance and Triumph

Life requires risks and taking action to the mission you set for yourself, and for others. It requires a persistent determination, to persevere and thrive. When the storm surges through with a moment of uncertainty and doubt, remember the heroes who never gave in, persevered, and triumphed. Danny G. 

Growing Spiritually

Being in alignment is seeking inward to know ourselves and our power. When we devote our lives for the purpose of growing spiritually, we know we can tackle whatever comes our way. We know nothing is impossible, as we have the power to change in the palm of our hands. By changing our lives, inevitably, we change whomever crosses our path. Growing on a spiritual level is our true purpose and calling, and it will bring the ultimate joy and happiness. Danny G.

Faith and Triumph

You’re a two part being, with a body and soul, and you dwell in the world with heavenly forces waiting to assist you. Embrace who you are, know your depth, and the power of faith and triumph, will be yours to claim. Danny G. 

The Greatest Teacher

Experience, exploration, and knowledge are the greatest teachers. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and taking bold action to your dream, and you’ll have the greatest journey,  achievements, and success a man can bear. Danny G.

Boldly Declare and Thrive

Some people create by default without a care in the world, and bumble into opposition and trials. They then bow down overwhelmed by their current trouble and chaos. Others declare themselves as the deliberate creators they were born to be. They boldly declare their victory and triumph, as they set the stage for its arrival. They’re also aware an awakening is needed at times to overcome and thrive. Danny G.