The list of opposites is infinite, as you can either impart peace or chaos, faith or fear, joy or sorrow, love or anger. What do you wish to impart for yourself and others? You are a product of your creation, the good, the bad, the everything of you, and the whole of who you are. Nobody is going to get it perfect, without weaknesses or trials, but the hope is that you project more lightness than darkness, and become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
A Victor and Overcomer
Don’t forget you’re a human being with imperfections on the verge of change. You’re a work in progress, on a spiritual evolution with weaknesses and strengths. Though you may fail from time to time, and you may forget from time to time, always remember your origin, that you’re a victor and overcomer, and you have been since birth. Danny G.
Release Blame
Don’t allow someone’s burden to become yours, for everyone is responsible for their own karma, and everyone creates their own life story. When you blame yourself, you’re making yourself the victim, and you’re creating a disservice to yourself, and others. For you cannot help with blame, and you cannot be the best version of you, when you allow blame to be your motive. Danny G.
Renewing Our Spirit
If you’re not conscientious and you keep on suppressing anger and bitterness, it will eventually spill out with your words and behavior. Anger and bitterness repressed ends up causing friction for you and your loved ones. Don’t avoid it and bury it. The key is to deal with these unwanted emotions in baby steps if we have to. When we deal with these emotions in the early stages, we avoid breaking down from years of suppressed emotions. When we’re conscientious, we renew our spirit to act out of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Danny G.
Don’t Underestimate You
I’d be lying if I told you your environment didn’t have a say in who you are as a person. I’d also be lying if I told you that you are shackled in the midst of it, with no control. Your environment doesn’t define who you are, you do. Your spiritual evolution chose this environment for your personal growth, and now it’s up to you to create. Whether you had a positive environment, or a negative one, your perseverance and faith determines what comes next. Danny G.
Move Forward With Boldness
Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself. Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.
The Voice Within
You make mountains out of molehills by your incessant perception of can’t dos. You fail to realize that taking a step back, and seeking within, would summon the answer you’re looking for. It would remind you of all the possibilities, your power and part, in creation. The voice within would smile at your perseverance, and it would incessantly say, I CAN! Danny G.
Focusing on Alignment
If I get tangled up in your pain, I cannot help you, nor lift you up. If I focus solely on your pain, and sympathize with you on every level, I cannot help you, nor lift you up. But if I focus on my own alignment, see your pain, and not give in, I can be your building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.
Don’t Sacrifice Your Well Being
You worked so hard on yourself to be where you are today. Now you’re about to do something foolish, to compensate for someone’s misalignment, not yours. For you have a heart, thank yourself for that, but don’t feel the right choice is to sacrifice your own progress and well being. Danny G.
Setting the Stage for its Arrival
There are those who say they are broken, and never move beyond that point, as they continue to declare they are broken. Then there are those who say they were broken, but today they declare their healing. Whichever case it is, they write the script, and set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.