Don’t condemn yourself for wanting wealth. For we are all interconnected, and if we were all wealthy, we’d all have a shelter, plenty to eat, and plenty to give. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Praise and admiration should feel good. The only problem lies when we become dependent on admiration for our own happiness. Danny G.
Unique and Worthy Mission
Being needy for praise and admiration is an affirmation in itself. It’s saying I need this admiration to feel worthy and loved. True self love is saying I don’t need others to confirm what I already know. I don’t need others to feel worthy or loved. For I am a child of the universe, already adored. I am a child of the universe, unique, with a worthy mission. Danny G.
Refocusing the Current Reality
The damage you created yesterday, which is your current reality today, may take time, perseverance, and refocusing to change it in your favor. It may seem as though nothing is improving, or it’s getting worse. If you persist, I can assure you, one day you’ll realize no effort ever goes unnoticed with God. And if you focus on faith rather than fear, one day you’ll look back thinking it all worked out for your highest good. Danny G.
The Inevitable
The more I call you from afar, I can feel your existence within my bones. I can grip it with the palm of my hands, so much that the illusion shifts my mood. I know the dream feels inevitable, but I know the dream is inevitable, if I simply allow myself, to create life this way. Danny G.
Quote for Today
If I did as much as help myself through my writing, I did as much as help others. For we are all one in many different forms. And we are all one in many different dwelling places. Danny G.
Walking in Forgiveness
You walk unforgivably because you fail to see them for who they are. They are merely confused, clueless, and lost in the chaotic world of today. Everyone has a reason for who they are today, whether their present molds them or their past. Be the forgiving person who sees them for who they are, and the potential of who they can be. Danny G.
Every Great Pioneer
Every great pioneer had mountains to climb, and battles to fight. What made him great, was that he didn’t give in, and he persevered despite the pain. He knew in his mind, that with God, the battle wasn’t too great, but the victory was his, if he persisted despite the trial. Danny G.
The Wherewithal
Acting on impulse is another term for lack of faith in oneself. When we are aware everything comes at the ideal time, we don’t interfere with divine timing. And when we are aware that all our needs and wants come at the ideal time, we don’t fight against it. We know there’s a sequence for everything, and we know we have the wherewithal to bring it to fruition. Danny G.
Reflection and Refocusing
Sometimes we don’t learn the universal truths until the challenge is so great, it overwhelms us. Let’s spare time for reflection and refocusing even when life is great with no issues to bear. With contemplation and faith, it’s always enough to shift the tide in our favor. Just don’t wait until the storm is so great, it consumes you. Danny G.