Recognize the Feeling

Don’t allow fear to stop you in your tracks. If you let it, fear will cause you to waver like the tide swept away from the current. Recognize that feeling, and realize if it’s uneasiness in your gut, or if it’s fear steering you away from your divine purpose. Danny G.

A Work in Progress

Don’t allow fear to stop you from moving forward in your life. If you let it, fear will drag you down until your very last day. Accept you’re a work progress, and everyone has challenges. Your only necessity is staying true to who you are. The only failure is letting the fear take over, because if you do, you’ll never know the greatness you were born to be. Danny G.

Reflection of Your Inner Thoughts

Don’t seek outside yourself for validation, when you have everything you need from within. True love comes from loving oneself, and after that it becomes a reflection of your inner thoughts. Seeking outside oneself for validation can be described as reaffirming your insecurities. Seek first within, then the affirmation becomes a confirmation of your beliefs. Danny G.

Your Unique Soul’s Purpose

Life chose you for your personal growth and the expansion of all that is. God chose you for your spiritual evolution and the evolution of humanity. If you didn’t have a purpose God wouldn’t have birthed you and created you in this physical plane. Therefore, don’t doubt and trust in the process. Know the unique soul that you are has purpose and destiny for all. Danny G.

A Purpose from the Start

Why do you feel unworthy because you haven’t achieved a state of perfection? Do you believe God wouldn’t have a purpose for you if he created you? Do you think God created you to be perfect? God created you to enjoy the physical experience you know as life. He created you because he knew the unique soul that you are had a purpose from the start. Danny G.

Conquerors from the Start

Don’t beat yourself up for falling every now and then. We’re all here for a learning experience or a remembering experience. Sometimes life causes us to fall back or forget. The greatest factor that determines our success is if we get back up again. We get back up again because we’re conquerors from the start, and we know the victory is through persistence, and not giving in. Danny G.

Miracles Unleash

Being in alignment with source or God can be described as growing in deeper unity with God. It can be described as thinking more like him, speaking more like him, and behaving more like him. It can be described as seeking our spiritual evolution. When we seek our spiritual evolution, miracles unleash for our divine purpose and destiny. Danny G.

Challenges Needed

We’re spiritual beings who originate from the divine, and we need stimulation for expansion. Without challenges, we would become bored and we would never reach our full potential. Challenges mold us into the essence of who we are, and it’s what propels us to move forward and thrive. Danny G.

Don’t Judge by its Cover

Sometimes the most remarkable ones are the ones you least expect. Sometimes the ones you expect the most are the most frail. Never judge a book by its cover, for no one reveals their true identity with outward appearance. Danny G.

Being Proactive

Our inner dialogue defines who we are, and attracts what comes next. If you want to know why history keeps on repeating itself, listen to your inner dialogue, and be proactive, not passive. When we’re proactive, and not passive with our current thoughts, we live joyously and attract a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.