A Building Block

For every challenge we face, there’s a greater reward on the other side if we’re steadfast despite the storm. The reward appears when we persevere despite the adversity, and we smile at its intensity. Then our challenge becomes a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.

Melancholy and Happiness

Melancholy sneaks up on me from time to time, asking me to seek within and find its cause. Though at times I cannot identify the root of its cause, I seek within and listen to my inner wisdom with ease. I know it’s working together for my own good, and I know it’s destined to be my will, purpose and dream. Danny G.

Everyone Has Their Share

Everyone is needed and has a place in the world. Don’t fight against others’ beliefs and philosophies, as if one takes all. There’s room for everyone and all philosophies. What worked for one may not work for the other and vice versa. Just know you are needed and everyone has their share to create a brighter world and humanity. Danny G.

Wisdom Is Acceptance

We prejudge what we don’t understand and that which we cannot find an explanation. We assume we have someone figured out, simply from an observation and belief. The true gift of wisdom is awareness everybody has a story and a reason for being. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the gifts in a person despite all their flaws. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the potential of who they can become. Danny G.

Compassion Over Sympathy

Sympathy will cry with you for a lifetime, never getting you anywhere but grieving. Compassion will say get up, you have the power that creates worlds inside you, and you can conquer anything. Until you realize this, grief will drag you down until your very last day. Choose compassion, and it will reward you with the strength and will power to persevere. Danny G.

Alignment is Key

Don’t seek outside yourself for happiness and peace of mind, since you have no control over the exterior. You only have control over your own alignment, and when you’re in alignment, happiness and inner peace is inevitable if you simply let it be. Danny G.

Divinity Welcomes All

Divinity welcomes all forms of healing and expressions. Everyone has a place in the world, and we all have the right to our beliefs. When you declare your beliefs as the only truth, you negate all the other possibilities that worked for another. True success and acceptance is accepting others beliefs while embracing your own. Danny G.

The Infinite Intelligence Is Guiding You

Your intuition never lies, and it knows the path to optimal health and happiness. Trust in its source and rise up to the challenge with awareness, it won’t lead you astray. Know your intuition is the infinite intelligence guiding you to your divine destiny, and purpose. Know this infinite intelligence has the wherewithal to inevitably always bring the victory. Danny G.

Yearning Becomes Our Reality

Progress and growth catches up to us in time when we barely notice. One day our yearning for more is so extravagant we cannot contain ourselves. Then we live our lives day by day, and day turns into night. Then night turns into day and we remember our yearning of yesterday, is now our reality today. Danny G.

Subject to Change

The right choice is the choice that resonates with you this very moment. The right choice is the choice that you feel peace about this very moment. The right choice is subject to change, as you are an infinite being always seeking growth and expansion. Danny G.