Is there a right or wrong, or are there simply better choices, that agree with our soul? Let’s acknowledge, there are many roads that lead to the same destination. We often worry about getting it wrong, making a detour, or wrong turn. The moment we get up again, our destination still remains. If we make an effort to let go and embrace the moment and opportunity to pursue our destination, we find there are many roads that lead to Rome. Let’s not make our journey more troubling, by doubting ourselves and denying our power. Let’s acknowledge many roads lead to Rome, and let’s choose the path that resonates with our soul. Danny G.
Stepping Back From the Chaos (Poem)
In the quiet of the night,
Where everything is still,
And dark
Behind the misty sky,
The world shuts down,
And dreams,
Looks so real
As we ponder
The night-time visions
Of above,
Giving us glimpses
Of our daily thoughts
As we contemplate,
And Rejuvenate.
When we get up,
Like the quiet of the night,
This place of stillness,
Away from the chaos
Of today,
No distractions,
Just being,
Without contradictions,
Steering us away,
From our divine purpose
And unanswered prayers.
We find a place within,
Where all answers are within,
What was once hidden,
Is now within our reach,
As we contemplate, correlate,
And find our place,
In the chaotic world of today.
From this space of stillness,
What was once an annoyance
And disturbance,
Is now a figment,
Of our imagination,
Always was,
We just didn’t accept it
Until we stepped back,
And looked within,
The essential calling,
Of our soul.
Solitude Needed At Times (Poem)
Solitude is my friend,
My place of zen
Where I enter
When frustrated
Or angry.
I look within,
The only power
I’ll ever have
To change within
So I can change
The course.
When I enter within
I can conquer mountains
In front of me.
And I can enter the world,
And be happy and at peace,
Despite the chaotic world
Of our nation.
Face Life the Real Way (Poem)
He came into this life,
With atrocities of every kind,
As all he wanted was a life
Free of trouble
And heartache.
As he was looking for freedom,
And inner peace,
He was bound by beatings,
And abuse.
He then reverted to alcohol,
All day and all night,
As he was looking for stillness,
And couldn’t find it at home.
He then sank into this pit,
Of self-destruction
And maze,
He couldn’t get out,
So he drank and smoked pot
To relieve the pain.
Numbness was his stillness,
Until he developed
Health problems, and this overwhelming sadness.
He was feeling empty,
All this time,
He was reverting to alcohol and drugs
To numb the pain.
Then one day,
A lady came into his life,
Loved him like no other ever did.
Taught him self-love,
How to appreciate the moment,
Finally he was happy and felt understood.
He never understood,
Why he was brought up this way,
But he knew this young lady
Was a gift from God, till this day.
He then said to himself,
No longer will I numb the pain,
From this dark cloud,
Of self-destruction and maze.
Despite the troubles,
I still see beauty in the world,
Despite its imperfections,
And I choose, to face life this way.
Is the World Getting Worse or Better?
We hear about the pessimists who say the world is getting worse, our lives are deteriorating, and there’s much more cruelty in the world. Look at these facts and decide for yourself if you want to be the pessimist or the optimist.
There has been a significant decrease in global war and deaths from 1945 to 2011. From 1945 to 2011 the global death rate has declined from 22 per 100,000 to 0.3 per 100,000. There has been a tremendous decrease in poverty over the past couple centuries. In 1820, there was 1 billion people who lived in extreme poverty. As of 2015, there was 705 million people who lived in extreme poverty. Consider the fact that the population has increased by approximately 6 billion people since 1820, and the number of poverty cases still decreased. Since 1900, the global life expectancy has more than doubled. Our medicines have improved substantially and our overall medical system has upgraded significantly.
Overall, is the world getting worse or better? Do you want to be the pessimist who sees the worse in everything? Or do you want to be the optimist who says, the universe is always progressing and expanding for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The crucial factor is how we perceive it. Danny G.
Everything Comes With Time
The people who are meant to be in your life for your own expansion, will always find you at the ideal time. There’s a season for everything, and God knows how to orchestrate events and circumstances in your favor. The universe knows how to connect the dots to bring about the very best outcome. Danny G.
Focus On What Brings Joy
What happens when you focus on love, harmony, compassion, appreciation, and gratitude? Can you feel stressed or depressed when you’re focusing on what brings joy? What creates illness? Research has indicated that stress is the number one factor that creates illness. Therefore, the wise approach would be to focus on what brings joy, and you’ll be happier and healthier, mind, body and spirit. Danny G.
You Have the Right to be You
Take the subject of relationships and marriage for example. We have a marriage in which a couple falls in love and gets married. We have same-sex marriage, arranged marriage, common law relationships, open relationships, or people who prefer to remain celibate. It’s just an individual choice, there’s no right or wrong. The only wrong choice would be conforming to other’s expectations and ideals. You’re in charge, and you have the right to be you. Danny G.
Follow Your Intuition Don’t Conform
How did anyone do anything great? By listening to their peers, conforming to everybody’s expectations, and accepting their environment as their only hope? Many of us are told to face reality and follow the pact. We’re told to do whatever is considered normal or expected, given the circumstances. There’s nothing for you to do other than the impositions you create yourself. Be yourself, create the life you want, and follow your intuition but don’t conform to everybody’s expectations. Danny G.
Wisdom of God at Your Fingertips
Seek yourself and what you’re called to do, as nobody knows you better than you. Don’t seek outside yourself when you have the wisdom of God at your fingertips. Advice from others is good, but sooner or later we don’t agree on everything, and that’s ok because that’s what makes the world in all its facets and forms. How did anyone do anything great? Following the pact or listening to their divine wisdom? Danny G.