Getting Realigned

What happens when our spinal cord gets out of alignment? Eventually the misalignment shows in our posture, perhaps in the way we walk, and it can sometimes lead to pain or discomfort. The same applies when we get out of alignment with our source, God. We become too focused on things and physicality as our only source of happiness and success. We get overly consumed with what matters to our physical senses, and we forget about our spiritual essence, and our true reason for being.

We’re so focused on the outer world of deadlines, promotions and material possessions that we forget about our spiritual evolution. Are we here merely to acquire more things, for job status, or for some sort of recognition? There’s nothing wrong with wanting wealth or prestige, but the problem lies when “things” become our only pursuit or idea of success.

Let’s say you lost all your material possessions and all the revenue you ever had, what happens afterwards? How will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you choose things or wealth as your identity or happiness, and you lose it, then you lose yourself in the process.

Let’s say you lost your reputation, or you lost your lover, how will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you say I don’t know who I am anymore, then you’ve made things, physicality, or recognition, your identity.

No wonder people get confused or breakdown when they lose their home or spouse or reputation. I believe it’s normal to feel grief when we lose these things, the problem lies when we make things or physicality our identity or our only source of happiness.

Are you depending on things, or another person for your alignment? If you depend on anything outside yourself for your alignment, you lost your control over your happiness and the unfolding of your life.

You cannot control people, events and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to people, events and circumstances. By controlling your reaction, you just shifted the overall unfolding of your life in your favour. Alignment is not through things or people, it’s through your relationship with you and God.

Are you focused endlessly on deadlines, promotions or the next raise that you forget about self-care? An analogy would be someone running a marathon who sprints the first 10km, only to have him end up quitting half way.

The other alternative would be to take time for yourself, and reconnect with your higher self, while meeting deadlines and at the end of your work week, you’ll say: “Great, the weekend”. And after the weekend, you’ll say: “Great, back at work for another week”. The only way to find your balance back is through your source, not through things.


Why do we see karma as an act of revenge or punishment? It’s as if we need validation that every person will get their day. We should see karma as a teacher for all of us. When we are hurt by another, we know how it feels, and we care to not hurt another person the same way. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, then we remain stagnant and don’t grow, which is a greater burden.

Here is a definition of karma according to an online dictionary: karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. In this text I’m focusing on karma’s interconnection with people and humanity, rather than from an individual perspective. I’m focusing on bringing light to the word karma, so we may work in unity rather than focusing on revenge and punishment.

Karma should be viewed as a teacher for our own evolution as individuals and humanity. We shouldn’t use karma as a coping mechanism to say they’ll get their day. What’s the saying that’s been repeated over and over again by the world’s greatest teachers? We are all one! Therefore, no one is left out, even the ones who repeatedly hurt people in their lifetime. I understand behaviour has consequences and it must be dealt with accordingly. However, by continuing to use karma as an act of revenge, we will only cause more acts of revenge.

God knows we’re not standing in a state of completion or perfection, but he does admire progress and learning from our mistakes. Without learning from our mistakes, we wouldn’t grow and without growth we’re not really living, and we’re of little value to others. For everything in life requires growth and expansion, primarily on a soul level, to create a better life for ourselves and for humanity.

If God loves all of us, then he would want peace for all of us. A peaceful ecosystem requires growth and learning from mistakes to essentially have a peaceful world. If the behaviour means anything to us on any level and we know we shouldn’t have behaved this way, karma acts as a teacher to help us grow as a human being.

Think of a time where you hurt someone, and after the fact that you hurt someone, another person hurt you the same way. You said to yourself, now I know how it feels. You then said, because I know how it feels, I choose to never do it again to another person. Why is that? Is it a punishment or is it you learning from your mistakes and wanting to grow as a person? You can say God helped you see the situation through his compassionate lenses.

Sometimes we don’t recognize our weakness and sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge our weakness. Either way without recognizing or acknowledging our weaknesses, growth is impossible, and we remain stagnant. Would you rather be the person who wants to grow or the person who chooses to remain stagnant and who has too much pride to admit he isn’t perfect?

If you feel karma is present in your life, just know it’s because God is helping you see the behaviour through different lenses, whether it’s your behaviour or someone else. Therefore, change your beliefs about karma. See karma as an opportunity for everyone to grow as a human being. Know that once you learn from your mistakes, there’s no need for continual reminders of what you call karma.

We’re all in this together, we’re just not at the same place, and know that whatever choice you make impacts another person and therefore changes the world one step at a time. Choose wisely!

You’re Still Here For A Reason

The moment you try to end your life or you contemplate it, is the day the pain will be a multitude greater, because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home. As long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive.
Danny G.

An old man made a comment a long time ago when I was a young teenager around 12, or 13, and it stayed with me until this very day. A statement that sounds so simplistic, yet people consistently fight against it. He said there’s one obligation in life that everyone will have to face at one point or another. Everything else is a choice, but this one unavoidable experience that we must all face is death.

Everyone on this planet at the present time will leave this time space reality at one point. If we accept this reality that physical death is inevitable, then why do we try to end our life before our time? We’re fighting against the only obligation in our life that is inevitable.

The moment you decide that you want to end your life, you will know deep inside your gut, that you are making a big mistake. You know in your heart, as long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive. Denying your existence would be going against the laws of nature, because you know God still wants you here and he needs you.

Why are you trying to end your time before your mission is complete? We all need growth on an individual perspective and on a global scale, and sometimes the reasons we want our escape, are the reasons meant to catapult us to our divine destiny.

You have joyful experiences ahead, and you have something to give that will all make sense one day. You will say I’m glad I didn’t give up and I know why I went through that experience, since I became a better person and I helped others along the way.

You may say it’s too difficult, or I feel this emptiness that will not leave. Consider, if you were supposed to die, it would have happened already, but you’re still here because you and God chose for you to be here. These challenges are meant for your own expansion and for all the lives you touch. Simply by being you and being the best version of yourself, means you have purpose and it means you have something to give that no one else can, because there’s no exact replica of you.

You’re trying to end a journey that still needs unfolding, and you’ll feel an uneasiness that will be greater than the statement “I can’t take it anymore.” Because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive, and you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home.

The right time to call your exit on this physical plane, will be when you’re old and wrinkly, and you will have lived a joyous fulfilling life. Then you’ll say it’s my time and I’ve completed my mission and I shall go in peace. Until then you have a life to live and joyous experiences along the way.

A New Perspective

Choosing Our Reality

What is facing reality? Aren’t we all facing a different reality? If we believe we’re unfortunate, and we shall face only havoc and pain in our life, then how do we attract what we want? If our thoughts create our reality and we focus merely on the pain, suffering, and unfortunate circumstances, then how can we attract anything positive? How can we empower people or help them with a message of powerlessness?

If people believe they have no control over the unfolding of their life and they believe thoughts hold no power, how vulnerable would they feel when they face their worst fear? How vulnerable would they feel when they encounter a dangerous or fearful situation and they had no logical means of escape?

Why wait until you’re in a situation such as this? Why not invest time for your own spiritual growth and faith? Perhaps you will avoid certain situations if you focus on the right things, or you’ll know how to cope, and overcome the challenge.

We’ve heard over and over again about the power of our thoughts, so why not tell ourselves, we’re in control, and we choose to speak words of faith and security for our life. By making statements that you are powerless, you just lost your control over your life and your reaction to events and circumstances.

Know you are in control, and know that you lay the course. The best way to help others is to teach them a philosophy that empowers them, leaving them hopeful or optimistic. If you consistently focus on the fear or dread in your life or others, by your attention, your beliefs and expectations inevitably creates your reality.

Reality is different for everyone and it’s only our observation and our expectation that brings about an outcome. Some children are born in harsh circumstances where the escape seems illogical or impossible or the path seems more difficult than the majority. However, denying their escape would be denying God’s power which is limitless and infinite.

Our lives are continually changing, and we’re always changing our behaviour, beliefs and expectations, which ultimately invites new things and different circumstances and events in our lives. We also conclude what’s no longer serving us as beliefs or behaviour, which attracts different events and circumstances. Life is a reflection of our own beliefs, expectations and behaviours which creates our everyday experiences, along with the challenges and happiness and breakthroughs.

So after reflecting on this perspective, what kind of reality do you want to create for yourself? Which beliefs and words are best for you and your loved ones or any other people in turmoil? Is it a reality based on fears, lack and yesterday’s false preconceptions, or is it a reality of your own choosing? Would you rather enforce a message of being powerless, of predetermined doom and gloom? Or would you rather preach to yourself and your family and friends about a universe that’s conspiring on our behalf for our own spiritual evolution and humanity?

It’s Just A Better Choice

Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there just a better choice? We’ve heard the saying there are many roads that lead to Rome. Almost everyone’s journey has detours and delays, and most importantly, every journey is unique in one way or another. Many people or religions tell us there’s one path and one path only. They tell us there’s only one pathway that we must travel and if we fail on this one journey then we lose our chance at success or salvation.

You can only make choices based on your current understanding, maturity and wisdom. A year from now or 5 years from now, you may have a very different mentality, thereby causing you to choose differently. Considering the fact you’re always changing and growing, the choice you made that you really regret wasn’t a failure, it was simply part of the unfolding that brought you to this present moment.

The only way to make better decisions is through contemplation, and assessing whether these choices are aligned with our greater perspective or not. Seeking our spiritual selves and immersing ourselves in the truths that govern humanity allows us to make better choices. Meditation allows us to connect with our higher selves and it distracts us from anything that doesn’t resonate with our greater perspective. Positive affirmations allows us to have faith and confidence in ourselves and the divine. These are simply tools that help us make better choices, and perhaps it may prevent future problems or allow us to cope with problems with greater wisdom.

There are challenges that are unavoidable, however, we should make it easier on ourselves by reserving some time every day for our own alignment and growth. We also need to accept that every journey has contrast and obstacles, but remember they help us define who we are and where we’re going. What’s the point of a human experience if there was nothing to learn? These choices you’re currently making in your life, aren’t they different from the choices you will make in 20 years from now? You can only assess which is the best option now and then in 20 years from now you’ll assess according to your life at that particular time.

Circumstances change and you change also, so there is no failure, just a journey and a spiritual evolution. Is there such a thing as a right choice or is there simply better choices where you currently stand? No need to relive your past failures and mistakes, since they are merely stepping stones to the new improved version of yourself and your life.

If there’s one right path for everyone, it would mean everyone would be the same and there would be no contrast and the world would be a boring place. Besides, how can you define who you are and what you want out of life if you don’t have a reference point and a platform to choose from?

When you have a decision to make, just know there’s no right or wrong approach, there are simply decisions based ideally on your life and your journey. It’s simply about making choices that are beneficial for ourselves and humanity. We’re all interconnected so when you make a choice aligned with our source and creator, then your good deed or example affects all the people in your life. That’s how we change the world one step at a time.

Follow Your Intuition

Does anybody ever know what is best for you? We all have intuition and intentions for every choice along our path. Our intuition and intentions are meant to guide us towards safety and inevitably towards our goals and desires. We’re trained to listen to the experts or to follow what is considered appropriate or normal considering the circumstances, but is this ideal?

I believe the experts are there for a reason, and we should respect their expertise and consider their suggestions as well. However, the problem begins when we allow their suggestions to overwrite our gut feeling and intuition. When we feel uneasy about something, our soul is trying to speak to us. How many times have the experts been wrong? How many times did you say I should have followed my gut feeling? Then why are you basing your choices only on what is considered appropriate in another person’s approach?

Advice is good, especially from trained individuals and they can guide you and may keep you on course. However, no one knows exactly what path you should take other than you. Every individual on this planet is unique in some way, and we’ve been given feelings to distinguish our likes and our dislikes. These feelings are also there to make choices, based on our preferences and observations and ideally our gut feelings.

How many times has someone said I’ll just go with my gut on this one and he was right? How many times has someone followed through with something he knew he didn’t have peace about and he was disappointed? Our intuition is meant to guide us. Without intuition and feelings we’re depending only on others and what is considered appropriate or worthy in their opinion.

How can anybody else be certain what path you shall take? People including your loved ones, truly want you to experience joy and fulfillment, so they tell you what they believe will bring you joy and fulfillment. They tell you with complete sincerity whatever they believe will bring you joy considering what brings them joy. But what they don’t understand is that what brings them joy will be different than what brings you joy. What they believe is the best course or choice for you may not be in your highest interest.

Don’t live a life based on other’s expectations, the should’s and shouldn’t, based on somebody’s observations of what brings them joy and what they think will bring you joy. There’s no obligation in life other than the obligations you impose on yourself. Everyone has a different path and every journey is different. There’s no right or wrong way, there’s simply better choices based ideally on your life. You have free will to choose the better path, which inevitably creates your life story.

Have you ever seen a famous painting that wasn’t unique in one way or another. What makes the painting unique is that the painter decided to follow his intuition and not someone else. If you want to be your authentic self, follow your unique gifts and don’t allow others to conform you into their idea of appropriate action or normalcy. True creation is saying I’m going to follow my gut feeling and motive and I won’t allow others to convince me otherwise.

Focus On The Solution

What is playing the victim game? Does it serve any purpose? Does it bring anybody true joy and satisfaction? Usually the victim game falls into one of these three statements: you’re basically telling the universe, I’ve got it rough, or nobody understands me, or life will always be this way.

I understand life can be difficult at times, and there is a time for letting out our frustrations to receive guidance, but venting has to stop somewhere down the line. If we don’t stop venting we’ll either remain depressed or we’ll attract whatever we’re complaining about.

Which is the best alternative? Do you want someone to tell you, you’re in control of your life, and I know you have what it takes to get through this and succeed? Or do you want someone to sit in front of you saying it’s awful that you have to go through this, I can’t possibly imagine going through something such as this? What’s better? Complaining about our life, or blaming others for our misfortunes, or saying I’m in control of my life and I will get through this and succeed.

If our thoughts and words create our reality then which words would you rather affirm? Words that are empowering and uplifting or words of pessimism and bitterness?

We must look at our motives when talking about our problems, and ask ourselves am I looking for a solution or am I magnifying the problem? When looking for a solution there can be benefits from talking to someone about our problems, because our mind is focused on the solution and we’re projecting this message in the conversation, therefore, we draw in the solution.

But if we’re pessimistic and only focusing on the problem, we’ll start expecting and planning for the worst case scenario, thereby attracting it. I understand releasing our frustrations can be therapeutic, but once we release our thoughts, we should let it go. The only benefit in releasing one’s thoughts is to identify them, as it’s easier to change them when we known what they mean.

The only benefit there is in listening to someone’s problems is giving sound advice and focusing on the solution and not the problem. Sometimes we believe compassion should be a shoulder to cry on, listening to problems all day long, and nodding in agreement. Yet can a solution occur if we simply nod in agreement to thoughts of pessimism and bitterness?

True compassion is saying I believe in you, and I believe you’ll get through this, and I believe you’ll do something great. But the only way I can help you is by reminding you you’re in control of this situation and by letting you know the universe is on your side.

What do you truly want, a shoulder to cry on for a few minutes or maybe a few hours? Or do you want someone to say, let’s work this out, and I know we’ll get there? Playing the victim game will never get you anywhere, but looking for a solution will eventually lead to more solutions and achievements, and eventually your breakthrough.

Seek First Within

Don’t focus entirely on a medicine alone, focus on your healing journey, and let the medicine do its job. Your job is to focus on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Focusing on a healthy mind means addressing the mental patterns that created the health issue and that is perpetuating the problem. Focusing on a healthy body means addressing lifestyle choices that are conducive for optimal health. Focusing on your spiritual self means to seek the evolution of your soul. If you focus merely on medicine, it can be described as putting a bandage on a wound, which will eventually seep again. It seeps again because your problem is in your mind, not the physical. Seek first a healthy mind, body and spirit, then the medicine will only facilitate the process. Danny G.

Being Steadfast

What happens when we walk into an exam room completely oblivious and not prepared with what will be on the exam? We feel anxious, we doubt ourselves, and we worry about not passing the exam, which is normal because we haven’t studied. Same goes with life, and the challenges we face on a daily basis along with the goals we set for ourselves. If we’re not prepared and ready to withstand the challenges of life, we risk failing, and giving up all together.

We’ve heard the saying, mindset changes everything, so if we’re completely oblivious on how to handle the obstacles on our path, how do we not waver? How can we believe in our well being or prosperity, if we’re not confident, and we have no reason to believe in ourselves? We all need wisdom in life, to make good choices and to become the greater version of ourselves. Without wisdom, we have no guidance or direction and it’s the circumstances and experiences in life that will decide for us.

Having the right mindset means focusing on our source and the solution. It can be health challenges, relationship challenges, career challenges or any future endeavours. If we don’t spend time refocusing our thoughts, or reflecting, we will be clueless when we face the trials of life. Then we end up failing, when a little bit of contemplation and refocusing would have changed the course.

Only when we focus on the solution and we prepare ourselves mentally by changing our thoughts, we are able to handle whatever comes our way. We can have all the knowledge in the world, but if we lack wisdom and we don’t know how to handle adversities and challenges, the knowledge won’t do any good.

We’ve heard the parable of the two men who built their houses, one of them built his house on a rock while the other one built his house on the sand. When the storm came in, the house on the rock was still standing while the house on the sand fell. The parable says we are to build our house on a rock to withstand the storm. This simply means being prepared and solid to withstand times of adversity, by immersing ourselves in the truths that govern humanity.

All we need is a few minutes every day devoted to our spiritual relationship with ourselves. Five, ten or fifteen minutes of meditation or refocusing allows us to face challenges in life with greater ease and wisdom, and the adversity isn’t as overwhelming.

When we are prepared for the exam, we’re confident, and successful. Same applies in life, and the everyday day challenges and the opportunities for growth. If we devote time for our wellness and growth, we will be confident and successful in life. The adversity will teach us valuable insight that will be beneficial for the next challenge or endeavour.

Look At The Source Not The Surface

Overcoming an addiction can be difficult if we focus merely on our will power creating the change, so why not focus on changing the underlying beliefs that created the addiction in the first place?

What is a drug addiction? Is it a craving that is beyond your control? Or is it a belief you don’t have control? Is anything beyond your control in reality?

If you say my behaviour is beyond my control, then you’re basically saying you can not control your thoughts, words or actions. What creates or feeds an addiction other than your thoughts, words and actions? You’re either thinking or speaking about this addiction being out of your control, thereby, causing you to behave inappropriately.

What would have happened if you lived your entire life saying I will never have an addiction problem, since I have discipline and will power. I don’t care to put harmful drugs in my body, since I care about my physiology.

If you say your thoughts and words hold power, would you be in the same place today? Talk yourself into a new way of thinking about the addiction, and about your beliefs about the addiction. You talked yourself into creating this addiction, so now the job is to talk yourself out of it. The problem is you don’t believe you have control over this dependency, so you create a reality out of your control.

This addiction may be caused by overwhelming emotions that you’ve been trying to avoid all these years through drugs. It’s your way of numbing the pain. You take this drug and you’re distracted from your emotions, which causes you to feel less for the moment. You suppress it over and over again through the same drugs and you never deal with the emotions to begin with. Then you say this addiction is beyond your control because you can not face this turmoil inside of you.

The drug impairs your mind and you revert to behaviour that gets you in trouble, and then you have all this trouble that you brought on yourself. You then say I brought this on myself through my own stupidity and I could have changed all of this by making better choices. You then blame yourself and you feel guilty for bringing this turmoil in your life.

If you created this addiction, then you can change it through the only means that created the addiction to begin with, your thoughts. Start declaring I can do it, and sooner or later you’ll be living your new beliefs and acting on it. Overcoming an addiction can be difficult, but you have two options, believe it’s within your control or believe it’s the forces of nature deciding for you.

Don’t give up if you have a few trials and errors. For every new beginning and anything worthwhile, there are detours and challenges along the path, but they all lead you back to wellness and happiness.

You may say I just like to get high, I love the feeling. I just like to get drunk, I love the feeling. One doesn’t negate the other, you can still be addicted to the feeling or craving. However, you adopted a belief that you have poor discipline and poor self-control. You’ve adopted a belief that you don’t care what you do to your body.

Ask yourself this question. If you cared deeply about your longevity, about your physical and mental wellbeing, and you knew street drugs were harmful for you, would you use them regardless?

Besides just going through the motions, why do you want that high so much? Do you believe you can’t be happy on your own terms, or have fun without the high? Another reason for using drugs may be that you’re mentally ill and you feel you need this drug to reduce the overwhelming fear or despair.

Why not visit your doctor and let him prescribe you an actual medicine that would alleviate your symptoms? Do you believe street drugs will help your condition? Which one do you think will be more effective, street drugs or the medicine?

Furthermore, If you want to overcome this addiction, don’t be too preoccupied with the surface. Surface would imply trying to overcome an addiction through sheer will power. Why does sheer will power work sometimes and other times, it’s not enough. We need to change the underlying beliefs which says, “I just have poor discipline, and I’ll always struggle with this. It’s just my reality, or disease.”

When you behave in a certain manner for a long period of time, you begin acting on autopilot, not paying any attention to why you’re doing something, and then you conclude it’s out of your control.

Have you ever had a day where you had many things to do and everything kept on piling up and you said I’m just not with it today? I can’t focus and I’m not feeling very well, but I can’t put my finger on it. How can you focus on the source of the problem when you’re focusing on everything but the source?

The only way to truly heal is to quiet your mind, change your thoughts and create a new belief. What happens when you quiet down and you’re still? Are you preoccupied with anything other than your thoughts? What is the primary reason of your addiction? Isn’t it your thoughts?

The answer isn’t medicating yourself through drugs and alcohol. The answer is to go to the source, which is your thoughts and God.

Acknowledge that you’re going to face this reality and not avoid it until your life spirals out of control, and dare to say I CAN DO THIS!