Why is fear the opposite of everything we are? Because God is a source of peace, joy, faith, while fear creates anxiety, doubt and pessimism. When we remember that we all originate from the spirit that transcends the universe, we know our power and control and fear cannot exist. Danny G.
Miracles and Action Steps
Miracles often take action steps. It takes faith, perseverance and wisdom. It takes determination to not give in. Enough faith in the right direction, enough action steps to your dream, and miracles become your own creation, and not by chance. Leaps of faith are difficult, but when you need that leap of faith, seek your higher self, have unwavering faith, persist and claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
The Miracle Creators
We are the creators of our miracles through the divine. It’s not merely an outside force creating the miracles for us. It’s the power of our mind, body and spirit to create miracles. We create miracles through faith, wisdom and persistence. Enough positive energy projected into a desire, the desire manifests. This power is always within our control, and it remains inward where source, the ultimate intelligence remains at our finger tips. Danny G.
The Mansion Of Life
Don’t wander forever in one room complacent and stagnant. Step out into the unknown. There isn’t just one perception or one avenue to pursue. There are many avenues waiting for you to step onboard. Step onboard knowing God is carving the path before you. Danny G.
The Journey to Our Destination
At times, we become too performance driven. We’re always chasing the next goal or dream. Dreams are essential, but when we never stop to to embrace the present moment, we miss out on the journey to our destination. Danny G.
The Greater Version
Adversities can strengthen you if you allow them. You can allow the challenges to weigh you down, or you can allow them to empower you to be a better you. Strength comes from not giving in when life is hard. It’s persisting despite the odds. It’s persevering to your dream regardless of what others say. It’s saying you’re only meant for my ultimate best, and I don’t resist you. I allow you to shape me into the greater version of myself. Danny G.
The Greater Joy
There’s a conversation happening within you at all times. We choose which conversation we listen to. Sometimes the negative creeps in as we strive to stay positive. The conversation you entertain is entirely up to you. The more you entertain optimism, the greater joy, clarity and peace will fill your heart and soul. Danny G.
The Art Of Emotions
Actors learn how to change their emotions quickly and artistically. They learn the art of self expression. Even though the art is fictional for them, they master it. You too can master your life and future. You can change your emotions in a split second. Although the reality is real, reality is always changing, and so is your imagination, and that changes everything. Danny G.
The Aging Process
Inevitably, through experience we gain wisdom as we age. Though wrinkles fills our face, we can never replace wisdom, which is gathered from the journey of falls and detours. It’s a journey of trial and error with a destination and good intentions. When we live from this mindset, there is no end, simply lessons gained from our soul. Danny G.
Success Versus Survival
One part of your mind seeks success while the other seeks survival. Success says I can and I will. Success says there are boundless opportunities and possibilities. Success says with faith, anything is possible. Survival is merely existing and it plays it safe. Survival says I just need my needs supplied. My question to you is, which mindset do you want to listen to? Danny G.