The Greatest Leader

You are your own leader, your own teacher and your own seeker. A thought leader doesn’t push you to seek outside yourself for the answers or solutions. A leader reminds you about what your soul already knows. He reminds you of your intuition, your inner wisdom, and the authentic being you truly are. Danny G. 

The Divine Spark

Once you discover the divine spark in you, you’ll tread mountains before you. You’ll retrain your mind into success through the divinity you are. You’ll realize all answers are through seeking inward for the ultimate source. From within, infinite and limitless intelligence springs forth. Infinite strength is readily available. Infinite faith and confidence in yourself manifests. This is all created by the divinity you are. Seek within, and you’ll realize the potential and deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

Everyone’s Mission

In order to access your supernatural abilities, you must seek inward for the answers and solutions. From within lies a world of knowledge, wisdom and insights. From within lies your infinite and limitless intelligence, power and potential. Be still, and listen to the guidance from within. That’s where art is created, inventions are created and leaders are born. From this source of inspiration lies everyone’s mission to create a greater humanity. Danny G. 

Fear Based or Faith

Assess your intentions, and see if your motives are fear based or faith based. Fear based acts as fearful emotions and complications. Faith based acts as commitments and suggestions for your well being. Assess which feelings arise, and know inspiration comes from a source of peace, compassion and faith. Danny G. 

Divinity Expressed

We win the game of life by unity and compassion. We win by reaching out to those in need. We win by portraying the best version of ourselves, and leading by the clarity of our example. Unity and interconnection is the way, and realizing we all come from the same source, divinity expressed in a physical body. Danny G. 

Choose Divinity

You influence the world around you with your every thought, word and deed. You are the sculptor in the jungles of time and space. You can either embrace light or darkness. Choose the divinity expressed in your physical body. Choose wisdom, faith and compassion. With this, you can tread mountains before you. Danny G. 

The Higher Consciousness

There’s a myriad of knowledge all around you. Information is so readily available and at the tip of our fingers. The shift happens when we tune into the right frequencies, and tune out the negative energy. In the world of duality, choose peace, compassion and faith. Choose self awareness and a higher consciousness. From this space, we are in alignment with the divinity we are, and we lead by our higher self. Danny G. 

Power to Heal and Thrive

The Phoenix doesn’t dwell in uncertainty and doubt. He doesn’t give in to fear, pessimism and bitterness. He recognizes his own power to overcome and thrive. He recognizes his own power to inner peace where divinity lies. He knows compassion leads the way, and he uses his power to heal and thrive. Danny G. 

Part Of the Solution

There are numerous things happening simultaneously within the revolution. Do you want to be part of the solution, or the chaos and disorder? Do you want to be clarity, peace and faith or pessimism, bitterness and fear? The choice is up to you, and everyone else who you impact along your physical journey. Danny G. 

Knowing by Faith

You’re your own student in the jungles of time and space. Assess what resonates with your soul, and see if it’s your grandest truth. Everyone has opinions and perspectives, but the greatest opinion of all is your own intuition. For intuition is not merely words, intuition is knowing by faith. Danny G.