Alignment Equals Manifestation

Can you identify a time when you lost your alignment and your dream or solution drifted away? You had it in the grip of your hand, then you lost it through your misalignment, and fears. The best solution to this dilemma is to devote a few minutes every day for your alignment and balance. When you invest time for your spiritual evolution and awareness, the universe opens doors that seemed insurmountable from the start. Danny G.

The Hero Within Us

We look at a celebrity with admiration and astonishment in our eyes. We sing them praises for merely their talent, elegance, and recognition. Yet we don’t see our own magnificence, triumph, and the hero within us. We’re heroes because we persevered despite the seemingly little odds. We’re heroes because we didn’t give in despite the world crashing down on us. We’re heroes because we persisted despite it all, and saw the victory, not for reasons that are irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.

Quieting the Mind to Receive

It’s easier to change your thoughts when you can identify them, and know what they mean. The best means to identify your thoughts is to seek within. When your mind is bombarded with everything but your source, how do you get to the source of your problems? Quieting the mind, and reflection, is the best means to cut out distractions, and receive the solution. When you quiet your mind, your intuition flows because your mind is focused on the solution, which is the divine. Danny G. 

Ponder the Solution

When you have a lingering fear that persists for a while, and you do nothing to stop the negative thought, you move towards it by your focus. When you ponder the solution, you move towards the solution, just as when you ponder the fear, you move towards the fear. Since we have the choice every moment of every day, which thought would you rather think? Faith or fear? There’s actually only two options. The choice is up to you. Danny G.

Don’t Deny It

The limited belief “it’s too good to be true,” essentially is denying the magnificence of God and creation. It’s denying everything that was orchestrated and created for you, the evolution of our species, and the evolution of all that is. Danny G.

Breathtaking to Say the Least

When we realize the universe is for us, and it’s orchestrated in our favor, we know in the depth of our being, nothing is too good to be true. We know we can conquer anything, and we know God is infinite and limitless, breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.

Overcoming Grief

The best solution to overcoming grief is remembering although our time on this physical plane is limited, we all reunite in another dimension, indefinitely. Remember this when you mourn, and remember you still have a life to live, and keep in mind happiness still lies ahead. Danny G.

Intuition and the Divine

Is there merely one right thought, or are there simply better thoughts? Is there merely one right choice, or are there simply better choices? From this present moment, there is a myriad of choices, from a world of limitless or limited outcomes. Choose the thought, or action that feels best now, and that brings you outstanding peace. Then the divine will intervene, and carve a path for you, that seemed insurmountable from the start. As you seek your intuition, and as you seek loving source, know you always have intuition and wisdom, to ultimately choose best. Danny G.