Money and its Negative Connotations

Why do we tell ourselves wanting wealth is being greedy or superficial? Wanting wealth or financial gain isn’t being greedy, however, the only time wanting money becomes a problem is when it becomes our primary goal and need.

What truly matters in life is our relationships with ourselves, God, our family, and friends. But what is greed? God wouldn’t say money is more important than love, which is a common reason many families fall apart. Too much time at work, and not enough with family, or too many conflicts about the subject of money. Is money more important than God? When money becomes our primary aim, and only avenue for success, we lose ourselves and our integrity in the process. Would God say to never give to others when we have fortunes in the bank account? Keeping it all to ourselves is greed.

We’re all human and we’re going to make mistakes, however, contemplating our priorities can help us avoid regretful mistakes. What drives people to behave inappropriately in the name of money or power? It’s saying money or wealth is more important than loyalty. It’s disregarding the needs of others because of money. It’s keeping it all to yourself when you have plenty to give. The corruption of money, started the myth of “money is the root of all evil.”

Disregarding integrity for the sake of money is greed, and believing wealth should be our primary aim is greed. It’s this behaviour of greed and selfishness that changed the definition of seeking wealth or wealth in general.

The myth of “money is the root of all evil” lead to an epidemic of poverty among good people. These people believed the myth was true, and they deprived themselves of financial abundance because they believed wanting plenty was being greedy. They lived their lives thinking wealthy people are corrupt and wanting wealth is selfish. This lead to the religious belief that wanting money is superficial.

The chain was passed down from generation to generation saying “money is the root to all evil.” The belief that we shouldn’t want financial prosperity deprives us of the joy of having prosperity. Would you tell yourself I don’t deserve to enjoy a vacation when you love to travel? Would you tell yourself vacations aren’t necessary because they cost money, even if you would love to travel?

Life is meant to be enjoyed on all levels including financial prosperity, and it shouldn’t be only work and no play. Ask yourself, can you be more of assistance by giving a homeless man 5 dollars or 500 dollars if you had the 500 dollars to give? Can you teach prosperity by being poor or can you teach prosperity by being prosperous?

If you were prosperous and you had plenty to give, while being appreciative of the universe that freely gave to you, you would happily give out of love and appreciation.

Don’t condemn what brings joy and don’t condemn prosperity because of a misleading world message. Prosperity is meant to be enjoyed on all levels including money, so we can embrace the things that bring us joy and so we can embrace giving out of gratitude and appreciation.