Seeking Peace and Unity (Poem)

We don’t understand the impact of our words.

Our actions spit out prejudice and malice 

Among others,

Through nothing but ancestry and culture,

And skin on our bones.

Nation after nation, 

We create our own competition, 

Seeking one way to live, 

One truth to accept, 

Altering the meaning of prophesies into lies.

We don’t understand the impact of our words. 

Our words spit out racism and slurs, 

Not considering the lives 

We affect,

Through prejudice and conflict and war.

We create havoc among each other,

Sleep walking and bashing each other, 

To win some contest of better or not.

Let’s not forget our core,

Our reason for being,

To live peacefully 

As brothers and sisters, 

Let’s not contradict through lies.