You have to be open for change. You have to be open for success and abundance. Be in the receiving mode. You’re in the receiving mode by being aware that everything you desire was birthed by the God or Goddess within you. Now you need to receive with faith and persistence. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Mediocrity is staying in your safety zone. It’s not pushing past your limitations. It’s not striving for greater. Abundant people always seek to break their limitations. They don’t stand still. They’re constantly moving towards their next goal or dream. You can stay in your comfort zone your whole life, or you can dare to move into the unknown, persist and thrive. Danny G.
Thought for Today
The mediocre mindset says I’ve been through enough, maybe it’s time to call it quits. The abundance mindset says I’ve been through a lot, and that proves I can overcome this. The mediocre mindset says if I can only succeed. The abundance mindset says I seek and manifest success. The mediocre mindset says if I can only have this. The abundance mindset says, if I can have this, I have the formula for more. The mediocrity mindset says lack is enough, because it’s where I’ve always been. The victory mindset says faith is my strength and solution, and I persist until its manifestation. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is about sharing what we have. It’s shouldn’t be only about ourselves, but for the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is not something attained only by location, our environment or our inheritance. It’s inherited through seeking inward, contributing by giving back and being a positive example to all those lives we touch. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is about knowing that we are worthy of everything the universe lovingly has available to us. It’s knowing nothing is outside our reach if we can simply dream it. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is not predicated by merely our inheritance, environment or our IQ. It’s something we must acquire first on the inside before it manifests on the outside. Danny G.
Mediocrity or Abundance
The reason for your lack of joy is your unwillingness to move forward to your desires. It’s being complacent and stagnant. It’s not taking that first step. It’s following logic rather than your inner guidance and wisdom. Your desires are inspired by the source within you. You can live the mediocre life, or you can live the abundant life. The choice is up to you, as you contemplate what your journey is telling you. Danny G.
Financial Abundance
There’s nothing wrong with wanting things, as long as you don’t make wealth your main source of happiness. True happiness is by seeking inward. Having financial abundance only adds to your happiness. Danny G.
Release the Ego Lenses
Would a compassionate father not want us to be financially prosperous and abundant? It’s not money that’s negative. Our perception of money and how we put it on a pedestal is negative. If money leads to greed, it’s negative. If money becomes our God, it’s negative. If money changes who we are, it’s negative. Your intentions and motives means everything. Change your intentions and release the ego lenses. Replace it with a prosperity outlook. Replace it with an abundance outlook, and you change the negative into a positive. Danny G.