Don’t be afraid to step into abundance and prosperity. When everyone else is saying no out of fear, step onboard and call it your own. Step into success. Be the one who breaks the boundaries and has unwavering faith that breaks limitations. Danny G.
Prosperity and Abundance
You can live in survival mode or you can live in prosperity and abundance. Survival is merely existing and doing the bare minimum. Prosperity is having faith in your dreams and goals. It’s knowing you have everything you need to overcome and thrive. Danny G.
Limitless Abundance
When fear dominates, you live in survival mode as your mind craves for security. Rising above the fear means living in abundance. It means releasing security and replacing it with prosperity. Survival mode is exhausting, and it doesn’t bring happiness. God never intended us to merely survive. His will is to prosper us, with limitless abundance and prosperity. Danny G.
Seek Beyond Your Needs
You can project merely getting your needs supplied, or you can project much more. The universe is listening to your every thought, word and deed, and like a magnet it brings it forth. Seek beyond your needs. Seek prosperity, seek abundance, seek compassion and the world will mirror back your genuine song. Danny G.
Scarcity or Abundance
Pay attention to your thoughts and ask yourself if you are acting on scarcity or abundance. Scarcity plays it safe. Scarcity doesn’t take risks. Scarcity lacks faith. Act on abundance and know the infinite and limitless source is for you, not against you. The universal spirit that transcends the universe wants abundance and prosperity for you. Know this in your heart, and you will receive. Think, speak and act as though it’s already yours, and you’ll hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Break the Bondage
It’s time to forgive yourself, to break yourself free from the bondage of resentment and guilt. You deserve happiness, success and peace, so let your abundance and prosperity take root, and conquer mountains before you. Danny G.
Lack or Abundance
Your inner dialogue becomes your reality. Repeat something often enough, and you become the essence of it. You can repeat the negative or positive, the lack or abundance. The choice is up to you. Repeat who you truly are, a divine being, destined to triumph. Danny G.
Entertain the Right Thoughts
Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G.
Receiving Abundance
You can accept mediocrity, lack and poverty, or you can accept joy, gratitude and abundance. Perception can be completely different today than yesterday. You’re always in the process of creation and transformation, so be conscientious about your thoughts, and allow them to turn into action steps, to greater abundance and happiness. Danny G.
Divine Surplus
Don’t focus on just getting by, or merely having your needs supplied. Focus on the infinite limitless source that is in you, that created you, and that created the universe. There is a divine surplus waiting for you when you act with faith and persistence. Danny G.