Infinite Supply

Don’t seek to barely get by. Don’t seek mediocrity, or merely having your needs supplied. Seek God for all his abundance, prosperity and infinite supply. Seek him in all you do, and he’ll provide you with his limitless blessings and favor. Danny G. 

Empower Yourself

Empower yourself by being pro peace. Empower yourself by being pro abundance. Empower yourself by being pro freedom. Live from this space of inspiration and wisdom. Whatever you are fighting against, you are perpetuating its very existence. Therefore, seek favor, blessings and love, and allow them to flourish in their ideal timing and sequence. Danny G. 

Being At Peace With the Unknown

Be at peace with the unknown, and know this is the best vantage point to create. For you cannot create out of sameness, and out of sameness comes complacency and dullness. Therefore, embrace the unknown, be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and allow the divine to unleash its favor, abundance, and success. Danny G. 

Ambassador of Hope

Don’t fight the system, be pro peace, be pro prosperity, and be pro abundance. By fighting the system, you only perpetuate the ongoing battle of conflict and war. Be an ambassador of hope, peace, and abundance, so you may shine your light to those in need, and so you may fight the battle the compassionate way, the only way the divine intended us to, from the very beginning. Danny G. 

Unlimited Supply

Stop dwelling in the land of pessimism and bitterness. Stop dwelling on your infirmities and limitations. Focus on the unlimited supply created for you and humanity by the ultimate divine. Focus on the loving source wanting to bless you with an abundance of joy and success, destined to be yours. Danny G.

Your Greatest Teacher

Let failure be your teacher, inspiration, and wisdom. Let failure cause you to strive for greater, and triumph. Let failure be a learning experience, for it was always meant to keep you striving for greater, and never give in. One step at a time, with one success at a time, will eventually lead to your breakthrough, abundance, and victory. Danny G. 

Your Power and Untapped Potential

Release all pessimism, fears, and bitterness, and allow God to unfold what he has in store. He has unlimited favor and abundance waiting for you to claim yours. If you simply just be and allow his spirit to lead, you’ll be astounded by your power and untapped potential within. Danny G.

Change and Growth

Sometimes when life is great, with no issues to bear, you want to dwell there indefinitely. You want to relive and relive the moment again, and again. Life cannot be stagnant, nor can it be unchanging, for it will always require uncharted territory, contrast, and growth. When you accept this, no longer will you be fighting against the current, and you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.

Faith Opens the Door

Pessimism and fears, create your life story, and all the so called negative experiences. You’ve been pushing them down for so long, you forgot you created its very existence. Don’t be stagnant and complacent with your thoughts, create intentionally, and expect wellness and success, while knowing, faith opens the door to all abundance. Danny G.

Don’t Neglect the Inner You

When we revert to a chemical to heal or numb the pain, our emotions lie dormant in the depth of our soul. Our emotions wait to be discovered through seeking within for its essential calling. When we don’t deal with our emotions, and we keep burying them with a chemical, we become dependent on something outside ourselves. When we always seek outside ourselves, we can never truly heal and be abundant. All good comes within, so don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.