Thought for Today

Accept each season with loving arms. Know that yesterday’s choices were ideal at that time. The only time you need to revisit your decisions is for personal and spiritual growth. If you’re revisiting your past out of anger, resentment or guilt, you’re only staying stuck in the past and you stunt growth. Once you learn the lesson, move on, be the best you and know that your choices today may be different than yesterday. That’s ok, because life is always changing and evolving and so are you. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Some people don’t want to be fixed. Some are too stuck in their old ways, while others simply don’t want the help. Accept that, and know that this is an imperfect world with imperfect people. If you let it, that burden can become yours. Acceptance is sometimes the greatest gift. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Showing compassion and empathy means accepting everyone’s journey. That means accepting different philosophies, religions and worldly views. What works for some may not work for everyone. Saying this is the one and only path causes division and separation. We need to accept contrast and evolution. Contrast says everyone has the right to their beliefs and pathway. Evolution says everything is evolving and changing. Therefore what worked yesterday or thousands of years ago may not work today. Without evolution, there would be no creation and that defies life, because life is about change. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

We all have why’s in our life. Why did I fail at this project? Why did this relationship turn sour? Why did I go down this slippery slope? Instead of giving your why’s so much negative energy, understand them. It’s easier to heal and prosper when you can identify your why’s. Once you have identified them, focus on the solution and manifestation. Focus on your new dreams and goals. Don’t stay stuck on the past, but learn from it, and let it be a catalyst for greater change to occur. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

There’s no such thing as a straight line in life. There are ups and there are downs, and there are moments that seem to cease in time. Accept it, don’t fight it or you’ll resist life. Embrace the imperfections of life with all its adversities and challenges. When you know how to handle the obstacles, you know how to handle life. That is the true meaning of thriving. Danny G. 

Much Greater

Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning your behavior. It means loving yourself enough to see despite the imperfections. Speak to your imperfections, and say I no longer fight you nor offer you resistance. I allow you to teach me what I need to learn. I embrace you’re only here for my spiritual journey and personal growth, and what’s on the other side is much greater than you’ll ever be. Danny G. 

From Darkness to Light

Being challenge free stunts growth. Accept it, and allow it to be your opportunity for personal growth and evolution. Only light can become mundane and stagnant. At the end of the tunnel, there is still light, and that’s what makes your journey from darkness to light. Danny G. 

Honor Your Emotions

Honor your emotions while remaining in control. Honoring your emotions means acceptance. It’s accepting you are human and evolving. It’s accepting that failures, trial and error is part of life. Acceptance releases the negative energy and attachment. It’s embracing your uniqueness and authenticity while being aware of your power. It’s knowing you guide the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

Accept and Surrender

Stop telling yourself it should be this way. Don’t make excuses for where you are, nor blame the situation. You may not see the plan of it all. Accept, surrender and move forward to your new life and future. Danny G. 

A Powerful Message

One of the most powerful messages that’s been passed down is love your neighbor as you love yourself. What’s more important, compassion or not accepting a new system, not accepting contrast, or preaching this is the one and only way? Danny G.