The Promise (Poem)

He looked into her dying eyes,

And saw the dreadful anguish 

In her eyes, at 86, 

While death is staring face to face.

She said why, oh why?

Why does it have to be this way?

What’s the point of all of this?

In a state of disarray, 

From watching his loved one 

Passing away. 

He then promised himself,  

On that very day,

He would never ask that question 

On his dying day,

And he would live life to the fullest, 

Until his very last day,

So the questions

Would be irrelevant, 

On that same day.

Follow Your Intuition Don’t Conform

How did anyone do anything great? By listening to their peers, conforming to everybody’s expectations, and accepting their environment as their only hope? Many of us are told to face reality and follow the pact. We’re told to do whatever is considered normal or expected, given the circumstances. There’s nothing for you to do other than the impositions you create yourself. Be yourself, create the life you want, and follow your intuition but don’t conform to everybody’s expectations. Danny G. 

Accepting Everyone’s Perspective

Don’t obliterate anyone’s perspective, because everyone has their own reality and beliefs, and in their mind, it’s their truth. They may not be ready to receive a new perspective at the moment. There are laws that govern humanity, however, some people may still have to learn from their false beliefs in order to come to the realization of a new awareness. Danny G.

Racism Isn’t A Joke (Poem)

Racism is a funny word,

Isn’t it?

We don’t understand it, yet make fun of it.

We don’t understand the impact of our words,

We shout out with nothing 

But laughter in our voice.

We got comedy shows 

And crowds that haul,

At nothing but skin on our bones.

Yet we make fun, 

And mistreat, 

And ridicule, 

Yet we don’t consider, 

We’re all humans 

Simply looking for peace.

In a world where we create war,

And tragedies 

Through nothing but skin on our bones.

In a world where we belittle,

For nothing but ancestry and lore.

Yet the wise ones will hear, 

And consider.

The fools will reject, 

And not consider the mess,

That they create, 

Through words and beating, 

Inferiority and bets. 

We don’t consider, 

The lives in this tangled web.

The profound impact,

It has,

With families, and friends.

Let’s take this word seriously, 

And not laugh like the rest.  

Racism isn’t a joke, 

We’re dealing with people 

With feelings, 

Who simply want acceptance.

The Optimist and the Pessimist

What difference can you make if you’re feeling resentment and anger for every poor choice you have made throughout this lifetime? Resentment and anger never uplifts. What difference can you make if you loved yourself despite your imperfections and if you knew God loved you regardless of where you currently stand? Humanity doesn’t want to listen to someone who’s constantly beaten down by life. Humanity needs encouragement and compassion. There’s enough naysayers in the world, hence, the world needs more optimistic people. The world needs more people who appreciate themselves and love God despite their imperfections. It needs people who still want to create positive change regardless of where they currently stand. Danny G.

Your Source and Power

God created you as you are for a reason, and he knows every mistake you will ever make until you leave this time space reality. So what do you have control over, other than being who you truly are, and ultimately the best version of you? Danny G.

An Angel Ignited my Path (Poem)

When the rock struck me sideways,

Lying face down,

Confused and afraid,

Couldn’t see the daylight.

Dazzled as to where to leap,

Or where to turn,

In my confused altered mind.

But you stood amongst it,

Never blamed,

Nor question,

My reason for being.

Falls, turns and detours

I sympathize the whys,

The reasons for my trial.

Drifting through the motions,

On autopilot senseless,

In utter despair. 

You stood amongst it,

And saw potential, 

When all I saw was judgment,

In my own eyes.

The future was pale,

My intentions scattered,

Through the wall,

With Uncertainties and doubts,

Filling my mind.

As I try to escape my thoughts,


Of what path may be.

You never relinquished, 

Or ceased to be,

Your very best to me.

Though the time has passed,

And those days didn’t last,

The push served me greatly, 

The rest was history, 

Of my own making.

And I’ll never forget, 

When I’m old and wrinkly, 

An angel from God,

Ignited my path, 

And never ceased to be,

Her very best to me.

Letting Go (Poem)

As before I was searching for meaning,

Through others and approval.

I can’t fathom the belittling,

Through friends,

And peers.

The teacher who would be constantly 

On my case.

About not listening,

And being spaced out,

All day.

Too serious and in my head.

As he made comments,

And mockery,

Without end.

I hated school,

Got mostly Cs,

Just to say I was passing.

Too busy in my own world,

Of music, horse-play,

And band gigs.

Although the words still ring,

Loudly in my ears,

About being stupid and socially weird,

And busy in my own world,

Of depression and fear of my own.

As I contemplate,

The journey and the steep hill,

My resurrection from the pit,

Of disguise and depression,

My self-made misery

Of despair.

Though others simply mirrored back

What I felt.

As I reflect,

On the mountain,

And the dangers,

Of the storm.

It all shaped who I am,

As I molded the clay,

Revived myself from the pit,

Sought myself,

And the divine,

And let go of the past.

Seeing With Different Lenses

Some people won’t bother asking questions to understand someone, but if they would, perhaps this understanding would help them see the person and situation with different lenses. Maybe this understanding would allow them to see that everyone has a story, and a reason for who they are today. Maybe they would realize they were basing their observations on preconceived notions rather than facts. If they would simply reach out, their assumption may turn into understanding and compassion, not judging before knowing. Danny G. 

Be Moved by Compassion Not Anger

If you knew an individual was in despair, and you knew everything you said to this person would be detrimental for his well-being and safety, how careful would you be? How do you know the person you encounter is not in despair? Your rejection and mistreatment can be one of the many things that causes him to give up on life. Therefore, think before acting, and be moved by compassion, not judgment or anger. Danny G.