Learn From Your Past

Looking back perpetuates the past. Learn from your past, understand it and accept it, but let those past hurts and disappointments be a teacher for your personal growth and expansion. Let go of negative attachments and embrace the new. Danny G.  

Inner Peace Nevertheless

Having inner peace means accepting the universe as it is despite life’s imperfections and chaos. It’s moving past the adversities and disorder while knowing you’re a deliberate creator of your own life including all those lives you touch. Danny G. 


Surrendering to the situation doesn’t mean giving up. It doesn’t mean to stop persevering with faith. It means accepting the events and circumstances as they are while steadfastly persisting with your dreams. With this mindset, thriving is inevitable. Danny G. 

Paint the Future

Don’t allow the past to paint a picture of your current reality. We can create all types of scenarios with our mind and the past. Accept the past with love and peace in your heart. Release, let go and paint the future on the beautiful canvas we call life. Danny G. 

I Embrace the New

If you remain stuck on your closed doors, the opportunities cannot present themselves. Accept, learn and let go. This state of oblivion can be described as sleepwalking, unaware of all the great things waiting for you. Declare the past is learned history, and I embrace the new. Danny G. 

Powerful Creator

Accepting the situation, events and circumstances doesn’t mean you stop taking action. It doesn’t mean giving in. It means being at peace with the situation knowing you’re a powerful creator and you can change it now. By shifting your thoughts, you shift your life. Danny G. 

You Know the Path

Accepting your current reality is the first step to inner peace and freedom. Accepting your reality doesn’t mean things will remain permanent. It means you’re no longer fighting the journey. You’re in a space of stillness despite the storm and mountain top. You know the path to self awareness and transformation. Danny G. 

The Next Opportunity Within You

Some doors may always remain closed. Accept that and move forward towards your next opportunity within you. Don’t stare at the closed door persistently without a means to an end. Recognize those closed chapters and realize what lies before you. Persist, claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

Accept Release and Remember

The pain exists because of your compassion. The grief exists because of your empathy. Your memories remain because of what you learned throughout this life. Your memories don’t fade, but your love remains. Accept, release and remember what this life taught you from the depth of your soul. Danny G. 

Accept It As Yours

The more you seek inward, stillness and tranquility, the greater your choices will be. For when your mind is chaotic and turbulent, you cannot focus on your inner self. Seeking inward and stillness is key to wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. It’s quieting the mind so you can hear your inner guidance. It’s always there waiting for you to claim it, understand it and accept it as yours. Danny G.