Self acceptance is letting go of negative attachment and baggage. It’s accepting your imperfections and the world’s imperfections. It’s self awareness, transformation and change to create a greater you and a greater humanity. Danny G.
Always Seeking
You’ll always be reaching for something more, and for something greater. Your journey is a constant unfolding of greater truth and evolution. When one desire is fulfilled, another one is birthed within you, and then another one and another one. Accept life as a journey, and not merely a destination. For the journey is the reason for the destination, and the journey should be freedom and happiness. Danny G.
At Peace With the Past
Don’t resist your illusionary demons. Make peace with them, accept them, and love them for what they are, polarity and contrast. Whatever you resist persists. Fear it and you enlarge it, or dread it and you perpetuate it. Make peace with it, and they don’t have a way with you. Accept and ignore them while carving the path before you. Leave them out of your frequency, and know the deliberate creator you are, bound to create and manifest. Danny G.
Key to Healing
Accepting yourself is key to healing, and it’s realizing you can never do so wrong that God would turn his back against you. We create those misconceptions with our mind. Healing is releasing these negative beliefs, and embracing who God truly is, a compassionate source always willing to extend his helping hand. Danny G.
Childlike Wonder
Don’t bury that yearning, that childlike wonder, and that thirst for truth. Seek it, live it, and allow it to speak to your heart and soul. When you acknowledge it, and accept it for what it is, your spiritual journey, you reclaim your power and potential within. Danny G.
Compassion Heals the Wounds
Trauma often gets passed down through generations. Mistreatment, prejudice and preconceived notions about a certain tribe often doesn’t heal overnight. Many of these people move into disfunction and anger. Bashing them by pointing out excuses only creates more anger with them. Bashing them by saying the past is the past so let go doesn’t heal either. Compassion, acceptance and reaching a helping hand heals trauma. Giving time to heal is the best gateway for a greater generation. Condoning is not the answer, nor is belittling or prejudging. Love heals all wounds, and love is the most powerful force in the universe. Danny G.
Meant to Thrive
Don’t accept excuses for being mistreated or abused. Understand its origin, but know you are worthy of respect and acceptance. Never become the victim. Nobody is perfect, and everyone has their journey and upbringing. Don’t let the past define you, and don’t let anyone else define you. You are unique, authentic and you have something to share with the world. Define it as the deliberate creator you are, that’s meant to thrive. Danny G.
Don’t Underestimate Your Power
At the depth of your pain lies an unwillingness to let go. An unwillingness to forgive. An unwillingness to accept and feel worthy. An unwillingness to recognize the giant within you. Don’t underestimate your power by looking outside yourself. Seek inward for the greatest source in the universe, and allow it to flourish. Danny G.
God’s Unconditional Love
If you can see that you chose this environment for your own evolution, you would see perfection within the environment and conditions. Nobody is without challenges and nobody is without weaknesses. True healing comes from acceptance, believing in your worthiness, and knowing God’s unconditional love. Danny G.
Compassion Despite Strife
The reason one can walk in love and compassion despite strife, is because that person took a step back from strife. He quieted his mind from the distraction of strife. He understood, but he didn’t condone. He accepted that everyone has their journey, and not everyone is evolved. He also understood that acting on anger never brings about the desired result, as it only perpetuates the anger. He understood his role is to love without condoning, understand and accept despite the strife surrounding him. Danny G.