Don’t beat yourself down into a rabbit hole with no means of escape. Appreciate where you are, look around at your own creation, the good, the bad, and recognize it’s all part of your divine journey. Acceptance is key to feel peace with yourself, and acceptance is key to release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to moving forward with joy and gratitude in your heart, knowing the burden was simply a remembrance of your ultimate potential and gifts. Danny G.
The Future You Define
Self love is accepting the whole of who you are, and the past that brought you to this very moment. Self love is caring for yourself enough to be the best version of you, for the present, and the future that you define. Danny G.
Smile At Its Intensity
The pain or discomfort was first created in the mind. It’s the perpetual aggravation that magnifies its intensity. When we dread it and fear it, we only bring about its very essence. Accept you’re human and you will feel, but smile at its intensity. Know the source within you says anything is possible, and anything is within our reach. Danny G.
In Due Time
Accept your weaknesses, imperfections and faults. For they make up the whole of who you are, and your journey to success. When you accept yourself despite the falls and detours, you stop fighting, and when you stop fighting, you allow the life force to surge through your body and life. In time everything passes, and in time everything manifests. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Smile at your slips and falls, and know being your best where you are with what you have, is always enough to change the tide in your favor. Danny G.
Determination and Persistence
Don’t make excuses for your unhappiness or lack of success. Don’t make yourself the victim and fall prey to life’s challenges. Accept your current reality, and know it’s impermanent if you declare it so. Know you’re always rewriting the script, and excuses only holds you back. A sturdy determination to persist and have faith will yield the essence of your desires. Danny G.
The True Freedom
Accept the contrast and the imperfections. Accept everyone has their own journey of transformation and reason for being. Accept everyone is unique and we all have our share to create a brighter humanity. When you accept this, you no longer fight the system and you experience the true freedom of being, and letting others be, while leading by the clarity of your example. Danny G.
Collaboration and Union
Acceptance, collaboration, and union is key to create a greater world. Contrast and diversity is needed to create meaningful change, accept one another, and work together to create peace and harmony. When we all unite for the purpose of co-creation, we know the universal forces are guiding us every step of the way to a brighter world and ecosystem. Danny G.
Seek Within and Listen
Everyone has something to teach you if you seek within and release your ego. If there was nothing to learn, they wouldn’t cross your path and remain here nevertheless. Everyone is a co-creator if you allow the lesson to come to fruition and bloom. From the homeless man to the wealthy man to your loved ones, allow it to transform you and release your critical lenses. It’s a lesson learned in your divine journey as you tread the path and make it your own. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has something to give if you simply look within and listen. Danny G.
New Beginning and Journey
When you dwell in the land of uncertainty and doubt, or you dwell in misconceptions and contrast, keep your eye onward towards acceptance and light. Keep your eye onward towards transformation and love. Keep your eye onward towards triumph and victory. For you know you always write the script, and every single day is a new beginning and journey. Danny G.