Your soul chose this environment for your personal growth and evolution. Don’t deny it, embrace it, and allow the divine to unleash its magic. When you stop resisting, you understand where you are, why you’re here, your role in your evolution and humanity. You’re at peace with yourself, your life and the world, and when you’re at peace, you inevitably lead by the clarity of your example. Danny G.
Seek Joy and Growth
Everyone has a place in the world, and we all have our share to create a greater humanity. Just make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, and don’t fight contrast or others’ perceptions. Accept that everyone’s journey is unique, as we’re all imparting a seed in some form. We tread the path of imperfections, on a journey of trial and error to our destination. The most important element is acknowledging our progress and always seeking growth. Danny G.
Devotion and Perseverance
Though others don’t love you because you do not conform, God loves you because of your devotion. Though others don’t understand you because you’re different, God understands you for he created you, and he resides in you. What makes you unique is your strength and perseverance to not give in, and to not allow the world to change you into someone you’re not. Danny G.
Be Open for Growth
Constant boredom means you’re ready for change, and you’re ready for growth. Be open for it, accept it and embrace it, and be receptive for the signs from your soul. When change calls you with an opportunity knocking at your door, dare to believe, and dare to boldly declare, I CAN DO IT! Danny G.
True Success
Although I have good intentions, forgive me for I still fall from time to time. It’s simply the journey of being human, through self discovery and striving for greater. Despite it all, I still give you my very best, and to me, that should be the definition of true success. Danny G.
Persistence and Faith
All progress must come from a recognition of our weaknesses and flaws, and a determination to grow. It’s accepting we’re imperfect beings who will fall from time to time, and it’s accepting life’s not perfect, as we’ll always need to strive for greater. But with persistence, faith, and taking action to our dream, the victory is inevitable if we simply don’t give in. Danny G.
Remember Your Origin
Though there may be many detours and wrong turns, remember why you started, and why you persevered. Though you may feel like giving up, remember your origin, strength, and wisdom. It’s within you, waiting for you, and waiting to be unleashed. If you simply accept, embrace and know your mission within, you will be astounded by your untapped potential and greatness. Danny G.
Your Power
If you could only see all the universal forces around you, waiting to assist you, you would never fear, nor would you feel broken. You would know your power, your part in creation, and without a doubt, you would feel loved, and cherished. Danny G.
Acceptance and Creation
Comparison should give us reason to choose and create. However, it should never be an outlet for feeling superior over another. For some people something is positive, for others it’s considered negative. For one nation something is great, for another nation it’s mundane. There is no superiority, there is only contrast and preference. There is only what we choose to be and create. There is only one in many different forms, which all has a place for the expansion of humanity. Don’t condemn, just be and allow others to be who they choose to be, wherever they choose to do so. Danny G.
Change and Growth
Sometimes when life is great, with no issues to bear, you want to dwell there indefinitely. You want to relive and relive the moment again, and again. Life cannot be stagnant, nor can it be unchanging, for it will always require uncharted territory, contrast, and growth. When you accept this, no longer will you be fighting against the current, and you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.