That passion you have, that you always had, and that is now the focus of your life, is God’s calling for your life. It’s your gifting for the world, but it’s also your gifting for your own evolution and journey. Accept it, embrace it, and allow it to unfold as it should, and know the universal force is always guiding you every step of the way to your victory. Danny G.
Forgiveness and Persistence
When someone hurts you, don’t be the referee, turn it over to God, and let him fight your battles for you. Allow karma to run its course, for it never fails and the good one always wins. Just don’t give in to bitterness, for the wise one knows the victory is through forgiveness, and persistence. Danny G.
Release Blame
Don’t allow someone’s burden to become yours, for everyone is responsible for their own karma, and everyone creates their own life story. When you blame yourself, you’re making yourself the victim, and you’re creating a disservice to yourself, and others. For you cannot help with blame, and you cannot be the best version of you, when you allow blame to be your motive. Danny G.
Move Forward With Boldness
Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself. Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.
Quote for Today
If I did as much as help myself through my writing, I did as much as help others. For we are all one in many different forms. And we are all one in many different dwelling places. Danny G.
The Evolution of Your Soul
Don’t negate one as if one takes all. We need doctors as much as we need philosophers, and we need philosophers as much as we need scientists. And we need medicine as much as we need faith. It takes contrast to create a world, and it takes contrast to create a greater world. Just don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
Feel It Then Move On
As long as you care, you will hurt. To say you won’t feel anything in life would be saying you’re not human. We’re emotional beings who originate from the divine, but we’re also housed in a physical body. That means we will feel rejection sometimes, but the only sin would be to give in to bitterness or fear. The proper way to feel rejection is to feel it, then move on, and be the best version of you. Danny G.
Uncharted Territory
I accept you spirit of uneasiness, whether you remain here or leave tomorrow. You’re simply a part of me, that’s always striving for more, and eager for more. I smile at you for persevering, and I smile at you for pushing me onto uncharted territory. Danny G.
Always and Still Worthy
You’ve dealt with enough already, and you’ve squirmed in affliction long enough. Don’t let yourself fall prey to life’s circumstances and tribulations, as though you’re not worthy enough. You were always worthy enough, you just let others convince you you’re not. Danny G.
Stay True to You
Don’t allow people to change you into someone you’re not. If you’re not careful, humanity can convince you the wrong is right. In time you’ll wonder why you lost your integrity and faith in God. Accept everyone has their journey and accept yours is to be the best you, and be true to who you are. Danny G.