Source is Within You

Have the courage to step forth boldly despite the opposition turning your way. Have the persistence to move forward despite the shackles beneath your feet. And when everything tells you just to give in, persevere, claim it yours, for the divine is within you, orchestrating it all in your favor, for your ultimate best and happiness. Danny G.

The Timeline Of Your Life

The answer remains inside for all the happiness, health and success that is destined to be.  Don’t seek external matters that fade away with time.  Seek the eternal truths, embrace them, live them, while taking action steps to your dreams. Watch them play out in the movie screen of your mind, and eventually the timeline of your life. Danny G.

The Source Within You

When you feel exhausted beyond reason, call the God or Goddess within you, for it has all the answers you’re looking for, and it has all the healing and prosperity you’re looking for. Your only part is to declare it, take action steps to your dreams, receive it, and then claim it yours. Danny G.

Your Greatness Within

When your intuition calls you to embark, and you ignore it, you push away all good and your potential within. Take this intuition as a premonition for your own well being, future and life. Take action when it calls you forward, and know the divine is always within you, guiding you to his glory and your greatness within. Danny G.

Steps of Faith

Start with baby steps if you must, if leaps of faith only leaves you tired and bleak. One step at a time with persistence and faith, is enough to tread mountains and win. When the challenge knocks you to the ground, and you cannot summon the energy to get up, gather all the strength and wisdom you can muster up, persevere, and create a magnificent piece of art. Danny G.

Withstanding All Odds

Take that step of faith, and believe you are worthy and capable to withstand all odds. Believe in the God or Goddess you are, and nothing can tear you down. The most powerful force in the universe is within you, guiding you, and conspiring on your behalf for his, and your glory. Danny G.

Let the Inspiration Lead You

Spend time reflecting and contemplating while seeking your intuition and wisdom. But when the inspiration calls you to move forward into the unknown, with uncertainty and doubt invading your mind, trust your source, take a leap, and know that he will provide, and cause you to triumph. Danny G.

Be Intentional

Your present self is a reflection of your passed thoughts, words, and actions. To create a new you and a better life, you must focus your energy inward and rewrite your current beliefs and philosophies. You cannot create new with the old information, nor can you have much improvements from remaining with the old self. Therefore, be intentional, and rework your newly desired thought. Rework it so much, that it becomes your new reality, and success. Plan for it, hope for it, and speak about it, until it becomes your new life story and triumph. Danny G.

Unleash the Giant Within You

My words are recollections of what you knew within the depth of your being. They’re meant to unleash the giant within you. Put them into motion with your thoughts and boldness. Step into action with your vision at the forefront, knowing nothing is too great for the God or Goddess within you. Danny G.