You Control the Destination

Declare this adversity is for a greater purpose. Your only role is being your best where you are, with what you have. The adversity can be a blessing or a curse, as it’s all in your perception of the challenge. Create a blessing, not a curse. You’re in control of your destination, as you mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G. 

An Empowering Thought

The fear and dread may come back time and time again. Some things are hard to forget. The goal shouldn’t be to forget, as it should be to replace it with an empowering thought. The more you replace it, the more the negative thought dissipates. Replace it enough, and that negative hold will vanish. Danny G. 

Keep Looking Forward

Instead of looking at your setbacks as failures, look at them as gaining self awareness. Look at them as seeking personal growth. Look at them as being one step closer to your dream or goal. Successful people keep looking forward, and they never give up. Danny G. 

Allow It and Don’t Resist

The challenge presents itself as an opportunity for success and self awareness. Allow this challenge to be your motivator. Allow it to be your inspiration. Allow it to transform you and your life. Allow it, and don’t resist. Danny G. 

Allowing Peace

The battle exists in your mind from fear. The battle wrestles with you over your limited mindset. The spiritual being you are is of peace. When you conquer peace, you allow the buddha within you to overcome. Danny G. 

Within Our Control

The moment you declare an external stimulus as your barrier to thrive, you lose your power. Power comes from within, and self awareness comes from seeking inward. Look at your barrier, declare your faith, and see it through until the very end. Danny G. 

Opportunities Within the Challenge

The very thing you dread may be your greatest breakthrough if you look for opportunities within the challenge. Be optimistic, seek joy, peace and allow the challenge to speak to you. There are opportunities within every challenge. The opportunities may present themselves as greater abundance or harmonious relationships. Or it may be a greater perception that leads to greater success. Either way, you win through optimism and faith. Danny G. 

From Challenge to Breakthrough

Don’t focus so much on the hardships and trials. For they have a way of overtaking you through your perpetual thoughts. Focus on what you can do with the trials. Focus on how the hardships changed you and made you stronger, wiser and more faithful. You can turn any hardship into a success story. It all starts with your intention and motivation. Inspire yourself, enlighten yourself and turn the challenge into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Never Permanent

We often fear the long dreary road, and believe it’s permanent. Keep treading the path of imperfection, and soon you’ll realize, the challenge was not for your defeat, but for your own transformation and personal growth. What was once fear and dread is replaced with a new awareness, a new creation that stemmed from your adversities and chaos. Danny G. 

Gift Within the Challenge

No matter how great the adversity may be, there is an opportunity if you dig deep to find its cause. There is a gift within the challenge, for you and all the lives you touch. You can allow the challenge to overtake you, or you can seek the opportunity and gift within. Danny G.