Creating Life Anew

When you have the right mindset, adversities don’t consume you. With the the right mindset, challenges becomes opportunities for greater success and transformation. You have the right mindset by seeking inward and inner peace in the midst of chaos. This is where your power lies in the journey of creating life anew. Danny G. 

Breakdown Into Breakthrough

Don’t expect to just move beyond the challenge. Declare I will take this adversity, and transform it into my greatest success. Mediocrity is merely satisfaction, but excellence is turning the breakdown into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Your Chosen Path

Do not seek to eradicate all adversities and contrast. Seek to be the best you in the midst of imperfection and contrast. Learn to be at peace with your challenges knowing they’re a part of human evolution. You chose to be here in this physical plane, so focus on creating positive change for you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Your Reaction Defines Everything

After facing trauma, the memories may still appear from time to time, but your reaction defines everything. You can relive those traumas and never move forward, or you can fully embrace the moment, knowing there is powerful creation within it. The powerful creation starts with your reaction. Declare the past is over now, and it shaped me into who I am today. Focus on the positive transformation and change and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

Triumph is Inevitable

Some people look at the challenge, and see barriers all around it. Others look at the challenge, and see opportunities for success. Change your perspective, persist, and have what we call unwavering faith. With this mindset, triumph is inevitable. Danny G. 

True Outstanding Change

Change comes from embracing the unknown, and creating in the midst of adversities. It’s feeling at peace with the unfamiliar, and it’s knowing the unfamiliar is the best vantage point for creation. Danny G. 

Changing the Inner You

By overcoming your adversities, you become the greater you. You cannot overcome anything without changing the inner you. You cannot master anything without changing the inner you. So by conquering yourself, you grow spiritually, stronger and wiser. Danny G. 

The Enlightened One

Ask yourself whenever overwhelmed with your challenges, what is my soul trying to tell me? What is it trying to remind me of? Turn the overwhelming challenge into a lesson of peace, wisdom and compassion. Seek inward, seek stillness and allow your enlightened self to shine through. Danny G. 

Inner Peace in the Midst Of It

Seek inner peace in the midst of your adversities. Having inner peace despite the challenges is the best means to conquer them. Peace is seeing life through the eyes of source. From this space, wisdom, faith and clarity overcomes all. Danny G.