Improve your expectations and see the greatness within you. See the potential within you. See the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Don’t settle into mediocrity or fall into the hands of others. Carve your path, declare your vision and see it through until the very end. Danny G.
Break the Boundaries
What was accomplished yesterday could be your indication it can be accomplished today, and what wasn’t accomplished yesterday, can be your indication to break the boundaries, and allow your authenticity to shine through. Danny G.
Bound to Manifest
Seeking the solution means going beyond what is troubling you, and focusing on the desired outcome. You focus on the desired outcome by being optimistic, faithful and compassionate. You focus on the solution when you quiet your mind and listen. When you’re in this space, it’s bound to manifest. Danny G.
Quote for Today
It is the insurmountable mountain you conquer, that creates the hero within you. Danny G.
The Hero Resides in You
Expectations can sometimes lead to disappointments if you attach to it for your own happiness. Have expectations, but know at times you must fall before finding success. You must fall to know yourself better. And you must fall to realize the greatest hero resides in you. Danny G.
Step Into the Unknown
You must step into the unknown at times. You must take risks to discover your full potential and power. Safety and security is convenient, but you are meant for much more. Dare to dream and believe in the infinite and limitless source that dwells inside you, that is you, that is your calling and purpose. Danny G.
All Within Your Reach
Have endurance that can tread mountains. When you have this strength, the battle doesn’t wear you out incessantly, as with every step you gain more strength and endurance. With this mental attitude you can conquer anything, and it’s all within your reach. Danny G.
Knowing Undoubtedly
Though the tunnel seems long and dreary, and you’re fatigued beyond reason, always remember the ones who stood their grounds, ended up victorious and winners. They didn’t give in when the adversity struck them, for they knew undoubtedly that with faith and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.
As You Foreseen It To Be
No matter how dark the clouds may be, or the withering storm that seems to never cease to be, remember the bright soaring sun, and that it will shine again and again. Remember this when you feel like giving in, and know that with persistence and faith, you’ll conquer just as you foreseen it to be. Danny G.
Declare I AM and I CAN
Every time life knocks you down with an obstacle, declare I am in the presence of positive change. Turn every adversity into an opportunity. Turn every impossibility into a possibility with the great words “I AM.” You write your story every day, so change your mindset today with “I AM and I CAN!” Danny G.