Mastering Your Journey

Don’t allow mediocrity to make its way in your heart and soul. Even though some try to push you one way, remember you are the master of your destiny, and you guide the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

Faith Sees Possibility

Persistence with faith may not solve your problems right away, and the adversities may linger for some time. Stick with it long enough, and you will see your desires come to pass. For persistence doesn’t give in before manifestation, and faith always sees possibilities. Danny G. 

Always A Next Time

Don’t focus on all the times you fall, for there’s always a next time. Though the detours may be troublesome and bleak, always remember that you’re a phoenix and victor, and you have been since birth. Danny G. 

Acknowledge It

God speaks through the peace when you feel overwhelmed. He speaks through the clarity when you feel confused. He speaks through the strength when you feel weak. Whatever inspiration you receive that speaks to your soul comes from the divine. Acknowledge it, embrace your journey and you will get to your destination. Danny G. 

Good Will

Will defeats the opposition, for quantity doesn’t matter with God, nor does the size of the opponent. Will has purpose, faith, strength, and that’s enough for any battle. Will doesn’t give in, but lack of purpose always falls and fails eventually. Danny G. 

Stillness Within the Storm

Adversities last a season, and summer always comes after winter. If we give in, adversities wear us down over time and take its toll on us. We must learn to be at peace despite the challenges. When we find stillness within the storm, adversities remain seasons, and summer always comes again with the bright soaring sun. Danny G. 

The Bright Soaring Sun

After dark nights follows the bright soaring sun. Do not let the dark nights overwhelm you or cause you to give in. With persistence and faith, you will see the sun shine again. The greatest mistake is believing the dark nights will persist indefinitely. Hold steadfastly to your vision of happiness and success, declare your faith, persist and the sun will shine again and again. Danny G. 

Reawakening to be Self Aware

Take this adversity as a reawakening to be self aware. The challenge was created for you to seek within and conquer. Nothing is too challenging for you, and nothing is outside your reach. Declare, I see this as an opportunity to overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

Personal Growth and Success

The hardships we encounter often add to our personal growth and success. Do not resist or fight your challenges consistently without a means to an end. Embrace them for what they are, simple reminders to expand with the universe. Your soul chose this challenge for your own evolution and journey to success. Danny G. 

Inspire Yourself

When adversity strikes, inspire yourself to break through. Be your own source of motivation and strength. From within lies your infinite intelligence and limitless power. Get to the root cause, and embrace your potential to overcome and thrive. Danny G.