The Best Version Of You

What good can there be in becoming the best stock broker, or the best musician if you don’t know how to handle life, and the challenges we all face at one point or another? What good can there be in becoming the best if we forgot why we began in the first place? Are we in competition or are we trying to be the best version of ourselves? Danny G. 

Speak to the Adversity

Even if you have that thing you want, would you be happy to have it if you were dwelling only on thoughts of fear or depression? Essentially, you have two options, allow the adversity to speak for itself and take you wherever it leads, or you can speak to the adversity and to yourself, which inevitably changes your reality. Danny G. 

Become the Minority

Whether it’s only a minority who overcame that challenge, if one person did it, so you can you. Don’t focus on all the failures and imperfections of life. Focus on the minority. Become the minority. You become it by knowing your worthiness and potential within. You become it by allowing this unlimited force inside you to conquer and thrive. Danny G. 

Always Ready

Pain, adversities and grief are inevitable. By confronting it with optimism, faith and compassion, you’re becoming stronger and wiser. Every time you take personal time for your yourself, you grow stronger. Every time you are optimistic instead of pessimistic, you’re gaining greater wisdom. Every time you choose faith instead of fear, you replenish your soul. Every time you choose compassion instead of bitterness, you choose to follow the divinity within you, always ready to tackle the next hurdle and triumph. Danny G. 

Focus On What You Conquered

We focus on the long trek forward, on our weaknesses and flaws. We must learn to be proud of ourselves this present moment. Be proud of the journey that brought you here. Be proud of the adversities you faced and overcame. Be proud of your journey and evolution. Don’t focus merely on the end product. Focus on what you conquered. Danny G. 

Replenish Your Vitality

Your vulnerability can become your best friend. Often your vulnerability becomes your strength, wisdom and peace. For by carrying that burden for years, it only steals your energy and inner peace. By confiding to someone or others, you replenish your vitality, and you allow your vulnerability to become wisdom, strength and inner peace. Danny G. 

Inspiration to Bring You Back Home

Even though your intuition causes you to go left, look at the reasons within it. Though life has a delay or detour leaving you lost, seek inward. For within that event often comes enlightenment and inspiration to bring you back home. Danny G. 

Fulfilled the Right Way

Don’t fill the void with materialism and chemicals which only harm your body. Fill it by being productive the right way. Fill it by following your passion, enthusiasm and inspiration. The void is an empty space and you only need to fill it with joy, purpose and excitement. Inspiration is calling you to action, for what is inspiration with ongoing procrastination. Danny G. 

Gaining Wisdom Through the Hurdles

You can allow every hurdle to sink you into a deep pit, or you can allow it for personal growth. Take the hurdles as gaining strength, wisdom and learning or remembering what you know in the core of your being. You can allow those hurdles for transformation, or you can allow them to be your excuse to not move forward. Danny G.     

Bounce Back Higher

Pain, loss and adversities are inevitable. Don’t resist it, don’t suppress it and don’t seek to avoid it. Allow the pain to make you stronger. Allow the grief to make you compassionate, and allow the adversities to make you wiser, more successful and bounce back higher and thrive. Danny G.