All Part of the Plan

The adversities you faced may not seem logical or fair. You may see it as a delay or unfortunate detour that was totally unnecessary. I can assure you, one day you’ll understand and know, it all happened for your greatest good and the evolution of humanity. You’ll know God had a plan, and you were part of it to create a brighter humanity. Danny G.

A Building Block

For every challenge we face, there’s a greater reward on the other side if we’re steadfast despite the storm. The reward appears when we persevere despite the adversity, and we smile at its intensity. Then our challenge becomes a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.

Claiming the Victory

Everyone experiences challenges, some trivial, some insurmountable, and some that take our breath away and lead to growth and expansion. We call these challenges insurmountable, then claim they’re insurmountable, and then act on this notion. Then we wallow with our can’t do lenses all day long. Some challenges last a lifetime, some last only a season, and a few declare their victory instantly and receive their breakthrough. The one common denominator to success is the one who persists despite the barriers, and believes challenges are ideally growth and expansion. Danny G.

Challenges Are Growth

The moment I call my tragedy a challenge, is the day I stop giving the problem so much weight. The moment I call my tragedy a challenge, is the day challenges become opportunities for growth. The day I call my tragedy a challenge, is the day I shift my focus which inevitably always brings the victory. Danny G.

Remembering Once Again

As I sit back pondering the journey of my life, I realize there are no mistakes, only learning or remembering what I once knew. I realized when the journey gets difficult and trials manifest without warning in sight, I only have to refocus and choose you, then I remember what was forgotten once again. Danny G.

Declare and Persevere

One of the greatest challenge is accepting you created everything in your life, including your current adversities and troubles. Difficult to swallow if you’re facing much chaos and frustrations. However, when you have the awareness you created everything, you can begin to consciously direct the unfolding of your life and destiny. When you believe you’re the creator, you know the power remains in your hands. When you don’t accept you’re the creator, the power remains in the storm. Declare I created this adversity, then declare everything is working out together for my good. This is how we shift the current in our favor, and have control over the storm. This is how we declare, persist and receive our victory. Danny G.

Breathtaking to Say the Least

When we realize the universe is for us, and it’s orchestrated in our favor, we know in the depth of our being, nothing is too good to be true. We know we can conquer anything, and we know God is infinite and limitless, breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.

You’re Not That Far Behind

Sometimes when we’re at wits end, we are actually very close to our breakthrough. Though we may not know it, we are closer, and ready for our breakthrough. The wise one persists despite the insurmountable opposition, that occurs before his victory. Then he ends up on the other side victoriously, remembering the day he so wanted to give in. Danny G. 

The Swim to Victory (Poem)

As I swim in the deep cold blue,

Beneath remains squids, sharks, stingrays

And 30 feet deep. 

I stay focused on the sandy shore,

About 500 meters away, 

As the current comes sweeping my way,

I gasp for air, 

In these 10 feet waves,

From the shoreline grace,

Completely focused on my destiny,

Completely focused on my victory,

I’ve pulled through in my mind, 

So be it in life.

As the squids try to attach, 

And the sharks try to bite,

And the stingrays tries to sting,

I’ve been down this current before,

I won it in my mind,

So be it in life.

Overcoming and Thriving (Poem)

Without mountains to shake us deep,

We are merely sheep wandering in the field, 

Merely existing but not living, 

On flat ground as we wonder around. 

No opportunities to strive for,

No burning desire to reach for,

No journey, 

Merely existing, wandering around,

With no desire to strive for.

We condemn what unfolds the journey,

And condemn what creates triumph,

In this extravagant world

Of ups, downs 

Falls, and triumph.

Let’s not forget 

That all,

Creates the journey

The destiny,

A new awareness 

Of it all.