The Simple and Powerful Words

Everyone is struggling with something in their inner world. The very fact you’re struggling with something means you’re human and you’re striving for greater. You can turn that struggle into success with persistence and faith. It starts by changing I can’t to the simple words, I CAN! Danny G. 


You have a choice for every insurmountable adversity before you. You can choose to give in, or you can choose to overcome. Imagine what lies on the other side of your adversity. Imagine your breakthrough, success and abundance. Keep that thought at the forefront of your mind. With persistence and faith, your breakthrough is destined to be. For persistence and faith doesn’t give in until its manifestation and destination. Danny G. 

Be Proactive

We live our lives always waiting for the next chapter. We procrastinate saying on the next chapter we will begin focusing on our goals or dreams. Then adversities strike and we delay. Then criticism hits us and we delay. Then opportunities come and we dismay. Life is an unending journey of trials and opportunities. Sometimes we focus so much on the trial that we stop halfway. Don’t let that be you, instead of procrastinating, be proactive. Be cheerful. Be optimistic. Have faith and in the ideal time, the tide will shift in your favor. Danny G. 

Being A Light in the Darkness

We make choices every moment of every day. Most of those choices are unconscious. We must retrain our mind to be conscious. By being conscious, we embrace our gifts and creativity. Those gifts and creativity are needed in the world to shift global consciousness. With enough light workers, we have the potential to shift humanity and create positive global change. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Gift

Turn your weaknesses into fuel for motivation and inspiration. Use your setbacks as lessons for personal growth. Let these setbacks permeate into something beautiful. You’ll discover at times, your gift lies in your greatest weakness. Danny G. 

The Inner Work

Life requires imperfections and challenges for us to stretch forth and grow personally and spiritually. Without imperfections, there is nothing to work towards. Without challenges, we don’t need faith and we don’t develop our strength and perseverance. Faith, strength and perseverance is the inner work that’s needed for our ultimate success and triumph. Danny G. 

Finding the light in Darkness

One individual or perception cannot create duality and diversity. Only light doesn’t create a cycle, and only darkness will create blindness. But find the light in the midst of darkness and you find your path. For by following the light you find your strength, faith and wisdom within. Danny G. 

New Beginnings

It’s never too late to re-dream. When failure knocks you down, re-dream. When your weakness confronts you, re-dream. When life seems insurmountable and difficult, re-dream. Desires are what keeps you looking forward. Desires are the stepping stones to new beginnings. Danny G. 

Your Education in the World

Just as you choose your college institution, you also choose your education in the world. You can choose to be an uplifter, an inspiration and an enlightened soul, or you can choose darkness, temptations and flight. You can run from your calling, mission and purpose, or you can choose to embrace it, and live it whole heartedly. Whatever you choose defines the whole of who you are, and within it lies this beautiful journey we call life. Danny G.